9-27-2015 Week 2: Got Room Parents?
9-27-2015 第二週: 班媽班爸出爐了嗎?
****!!! Mark Your Calendar 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 9/27/2015: Double Ten Flag Raising Ceremony Rehearsal - SDCA is hosting this year
2. 10/4/2015: Double Ten Flag Raising Ceremony
3. 10/11/2015: Back to School Parents Meeting / Room Parent Meeting
校方與家長座談會 / 班代表會議
Double Ten celebration 雙十國慶
Come join the One Hundred and Third National Day celebration events for Republic of China (Taiwan) on Sunday, October 4th, 2015
Flag Raising Ceremony: 2PM
The link for the flyer is here: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/office/Double%20Ten%20Flyer%202015.pdf
Please instruct your students to be respectful of the campus environment, do not move or touch anything in the classroom, do not eat or drink inside the classroom or use the trash can in the classroom. Please do not put recyclable cans and bottles in the paper recycling bin, we appreciate your assistance.
****!!! School Administration 註冊及校務 !!! ****
Important reminder for parking lot traffic 停車場使用須知:
Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot. For you and our children’s safety, the curbside right in front of the school building is for drop-off and pick-up only. Please park your car in the marked parking spaces. Please do not park or wait by the curb. No Exceptions. Your cooperation is much appreciated. 為了您與孩子們的安全,進入停車場請放慢駕駛速度. 提醒您請先把車停在停車格上, 再一同與孩子們前往教室。校方規劃的黃、白線區,僅提供學生上、下車使用,其餘時間, 請勿將您的車子停在此專用道,沒有例外。謝謝您的配合遵守,以做為孩子們的好榜樣。
Additional parking is available at the rear of the school. 學校後側也設有停車場。
Campus Safety 校園安全
Please continue to remind your children to respect all school property and rules and follow the new recycling policy at LJCDS campus.
請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則, 及新的資源回收規則
Do not play with or use the elevator. The elevator is for teacher use only.
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Big thank you to those who have volunteered to be the room parent this year. Your effort and dedication makes a huge difference in your children’s classes. Our teachers will be able to communicate to all the parents more effectively with your help.
非常感謝各位今年班爸班媽的義工, 有你們的幫助, 老師們能更有效地和家長們溝通, 家長會也能夠將學校相關的活動藉由你們傳達到每個家庭. 還沒有班代表班級的家長,也請熱心的家長能起加入班媽的行列!
PTA events 家長會活動:
Stay tuned for announcements about our exciting events this year. We will continue the Parent Exercise Club, Student recess snack, Seminars, Fall Festival, Chinese New Year and many more fun and educational events for your whole family. 家長會聯誼活動將於十月中起跑唷,敬請期待!! 學校是一個很友善的大家庭, 而家長會的活動最主要的目的也是讓每個如果您開學前幾週有空,請您留在學校協助您的子女學習, 也可以多和學校的工作人員及家長聊聊唷!
Volunteers Needed 家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year. Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference! Your help would be a big contribution to our school. Please email: sdcapta@gmail.com 新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 謝謝! 請郵電sdcapta@gmail.com
TA 助教
Room Parents 班爸班媽
Library/Book Assistant 圖書管理組
Recess Snack Service 學生福利社
CNY Festival/Graduation/Student store 新年畢業典禮活動組
Computer room setup assistant 電腦教室
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****
科工會奬學金申請: 美國高中12年級學生可申請, 截止日期10/31/2015, 詳情請看學校網站
Hello SDCA friends! I am very proud to share that my third novel published this month. Serpentine is a Junior Library Guild selection (select titles are chosen from over 5,000 submissions each year), and received a starred review from School Library Journal: “This coming-of-age story takes readers on a fantastical journey through friendship and Chinese mythology. YA fans will love Pon’s storytelling ability and the immersion into a world filled with love, danger, and fantasy.”
Serpentine is a Chinese inspired fantasy appropriate for kids ages 13 through to adults! There are not a lot of books published in the United States featuring Asian heroes, and it is something I’m passionate about writing. It is available on amazon for kindle or paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Serpentine-Cindy-Pon/dp/1942664338/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1429197302&sr=8-1
I am happy to sign copies for you. —Cindy Pon (Room Parent for Bilingual 6A)
孔子誕辰 & 教師節: 九月二十八日
Confucious Day & Teacher’s Day: Sept 28
在中國教育史上 ,孔子象徵著 「有教無類,因材施教」 的萬世師表典型 。以六藝傳授學 生三千多人,不論其階級、人品,凡是真心向學,他皆來者不拒、誨人不倦 。 春秋變局中,孔子力學濟世,曾為匡正社會而周遊列國,勸諫君王行道; 晚年,整理古代文獻,奠 定中華文化萬世不易的基石。民國二十八年教育部通令全國將孔子誕辰訂為教師節,以紀念至聖先師,並慰勞教師們經年的辛勞。
Confucius’ Birthday is celebrated on September 28 (lunar calendar), which is also Teacher’s Day. Confucius (September 28, 551–479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. Confucius's principles had a basis in common Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives. He also recommended family as a basis for ideal government. He espoused the well-known principle "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", the Silver Rule. Following the victory of Han over Chu after the collapse of Qin, Confucius's thoughts received official sanction and were further developed into a system known as Confucianism.
中秋节: 九月二十七日
Mid-Autumn Festival: Sept 27
中秋節是東亞文化圈民間的一个传统节日,起源於古代中國,爲每年的農曆八月十五,約在公曆的9月至10月初。按照中國的農曆,八月為秋季的第二个月,古時後稱為仲秋,因此民間稱為中秋,又稱秋夕、八月节、八月半、月夕、月節、 十五夜,又因爲这一天月亮满圆,象征团圆,又稱為團圓節,是華人四大節日之一。祝中華學苑大家庭裡的每位成員中秋快樂!
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a harvest festival celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. The Chinese have celebrated the harvest during the autumn full moon since the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 10th century BCE). Making and sharing mooncakes is one of the hallmark traditions of this festival. The festival celebrates three fundamental concepts which are closely tied to one another:
- Gathering - such as family and friends coming together, or harvesting crops for the festival
- Thanksgiving - to give thanks for the harvest, or for harmonious unions
- Praying - asking for conceptual or material satisfaction, such as for babies, a spouse, beauty, longevity, or for a good future
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!