Back to School Edition!! Registered yet?
Come join us at the welcome back outing~
暑假結束了, 大家都註冊了嗎??
一起來參加我們的 welcome back outing 吧!
**************!!! Mark Your Calendar 重要活動日期 !!! **************
1. 9/13/2015: 2015-16 School starts & Credit Class Parents Meeting
2. 9/20/2015: NO SCHOOL - Due to LJCDS school event
Welcome back to school get together outing
Taiwanese Opera - Credit Class Extracurricular Activity
放假,Welcome back to school outing
明華園戲劇團歌仔戲表演 - 學分班校外教學
3. 9/28/2015: Double Ten Flag raising ceremony rehearsal - SDCA is hosting this year
4. 10/4/2015: Back to School Parents meeting
**************!!! School Administration 註冊及校務 !!! ***************
1. Registration 註冊
Welcome back everyone! If you have not registered your kids for this school year, please do so before school begins. We do online registration and you can easily register your kids at home instead of waiting in a long line in a hot summer day. After register online, you can mail the registration form and check to school mailing address or drop them off at the office on the first day of school.
To register, please go to
歡迎大家回到學校。如果還沒有註冊的家長, 請在開學前完成網上註冊的手續。學校提供的網上註冊,讓您在家裡就可以輕輕鬆鬆地幫您的孩子們註冊。不要等到開學第一天在大熱天排著長隊等著報名。網上註冊後請家長們郵寄註冊表與支票到學校郵政信箱或是開學當天直接帶註冊表與支票到辦公室繳費。
網上註冊很簡單, 請到以下網址:
2. Class Roster and Newsletter 班級名單與年刊
One week before school begins, all parents who already completed online registration will be able to see the class roster and newsletter from school Portal. Please sign in to your account after 9/5. You will see the new class assignment (class, teacher, and classroom number) next to your kid's name. If you click on the class you can view the class list with all the student names in the class. Newsletter is located on the left sidebar with school calendar, classroom map, volunteer schedule, script sales date and other important school information. Please take a look. Following is the link to school Portal:
開學前ㄧ週,所有已完成網上註冊的家長們可以從學校 Portal 看到新學年的分班。請在 9/5 後登入到您的帳號。新分班(班級、老師、教室號碼)將顯示在學生名字旁邊。如果按下班級可以看到該班所有學生的名單。學校年刊位於左手邊的選項裡,年刊包含學校行事曆、教室地圖、義工分配表、禮卷銷售日期等重要學校訊息。請大家查閱。學校 Portal 的網址如下:
**************!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ***************
Welcome back to School outing
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015
Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: 4S Ranch Community Park, 16118 4S Ranch Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92127
- Reserved gazebo
- PTA booth
- Admin booth (no registration, information only)
- Sand playground, volleyball, soccer, jogging trail, bike lane, basketball courts, tennis courts, swimming pool (additional charge), baseball/softball/soccer fields
- PTA will be selling snacks and drinks for school fundraising and you are welcome to bring your own picnic
Welcome back to school outing
日期: 星期日, 9/20/2015
時間: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
地點: 4S Ranch Community Park, 16118 4S Ranch Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92127
我們會有PTA 和學校相關的一些訊息,Park 裡有玩沙的,排球場,足球場,籃球場, 網球場及游泳池 (另外收費). PTA 也會販賣一些點心及飲料,希望有空的家長都能帶小朋友一起來,多多和中華學苑其他的同學朋友們一起同樂