5-17-2015 Week 30: Graduation!
5-17-015 第三十週: 畢業典禮
1. 5/17/2015: Graduation
Teacher’s appreciation
****!!! School Administration 註冊及校務 !!! ****
1:30 PM - 請家長直接帶孩子們到教室。
1:35 PM - 各班頒獎:老師將發學生成績單,獎狀,獎牌,暑假作業及年刊
2:10 PM - 校內頒獎準備集合, 在Amphitheater。請申請就讀6, 9, 12年的學生到Amphitheater集合準備典禮時上台領取獎盃/獎牌。
2:20 PM 請各班老師帶學生到露天劇場就位,典禮才能準時開始。
2:30 PM - 畢業典禮開始。
4:30 PM - 典禮結束,請家長們不要在典禮結束之前把學生帶走。
5:30 PM - 謝師宴:在富臨餐館。
網上註冊: 5/17 結業典禮之後, 辦公室將關閉放暑假。所有註冊請以郵寄的方式寄給我們。我們的郵政信箱是SDCA -- Registration, P.O. Box 910093, San Diego, CA 92191-0093。 如果我們在5/31收到您的註冊表與付款,以郵戳為憑,您還是可以享有$50的優惠。詳情請參考2015-2016註冊須知與網上註冊常見問答集。有任何問題或需要協助請電郵到註冊組長 Lesley (support@sandiegochineseschool.com)!
Parents please make sure your student comes to school on time at 1:30 PM: Itinerary for the day is as follows:
1:30 PM - School starts, please take your child to his/her classroom
1:35 PM - Teachers will distribute report card, yearbook (1 per family), summer
homework, class awards, as well as speech contest and poetry recitation contest
2:10 PM - Award Presentation Preparation at Amphitheater - All students receiving 6-, 9-, 12-year award, please report to the amphitheater promptly for preparation.
2:20 PM - Each class should be seated at the assigned seating area at the amphitheater
4:30 PM - Ceremony ends - Parents, please do not pick up students before the ceremony ends
5:30 PM - Teacher Appreciation Dinner at China Max Restaurant (tickets are available for purchase in
Registration After 5/17/15, the SDCA office will be closed for the summer. Please submit your registration by mail. Our mailing address is SDCA -- Registration, P.O. Box 910093, San Diego, CA 92191-0093. If we receive your registration postmark by 5/31/15 you are still eligible for the $50 discount. For more information please review the 2015-2016 Registration Notice & Online Registration FAQ. Or contact Registrar,
Lesley (support@sandiegochineseschool.com) for technical support or any registration questions.
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner: We are selling Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner tickets right now. Ticket price is $30/adult $25/vegetarian & $20/student per ticket. This is a great chance to dine with your teachers and show your appreciation for their hard work this year. The party will take place at China Max Restaurant from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on 5/17 (after the Graduation Ceremony). To purchase tickets, please come to the Office. Parents of TA, spouse of teacher or staff/kids under 5 years old can get a discount of $10 off sale price. Please join us for a FUN night! Click here to view party details. 謝師晚宴售票中:我們現在開始銷售謝師晚宴的門票。門票價格為$30/成人票, $20/學生票。這是一個與孩子的老師一起用餐的機會,我們感謝他們一年來的辛勤工作。晚宴將於5/17日下午5:30到下午7:30(畢業典禮後)在富臨海鮮酒家舉行。購買門票請到辦公室。 助教的父母/教職員配偶/五歲以下的小孩可以有10美元的折扣。讓我們和老師們一起有一個快樂的夜晚!
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****