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Thursday, March 26, 2015

3-29-2015 Week 25:   我們需要你!
3-29-2015 第二十五週:  Our  School Needs You!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

2015-2016 學年理事提名: 中華學苑需要您的加入才會更好!
Nomination for the Board of Directors for 2015-2016 Begins.  SDCA Needs You!

1. 3/29/2015: Character Recognition Contest (1)
Read-A-Thon (3/29-4/26)  

2. 4/5/2015: Spring Break - No School
Read-A-Thon (3/29-4/26)  

3. 4/12/2015: Credit Class Oral/Written Exam, Board Election,
                             Character Recognition Contest (2)
Read-A-Thon (3/29-4/26)  

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Poetry Recitation
This year's Poetry Recitation Contest has concluded smoothly. We are very proud of each contestant! Everyone did a great job!  Thank you parents for your involvement. Thank you teachers and volunteers for all the help and support. Congratulations to all winners, please keep working everyone!  今年的詩詞朗誦比賽圓滿結束,感謝家長們的鼓勵,老師們的督導及所有參與協助的家長們!恭喜所有得獎的同學!今年參賽的孩子們都表現得非常好,大家都覺得孩子們進步很多,希望明年能繼續報名參加!
Credit classes now end at 5:30 PM
Credit classes now end at 5:30 PM, credit class parents please remember to come to pick up your child(ren) earlier. 學分班現在下課時間為5:30,請學分班家長記得提早來接學生。

Interested in teaching or know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers. If you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。老師孩子的學費有10% Off的優惠喔!

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Board Nomination Begins: The Board of Directors at SDCA is seeking four additional Board members.  We are actively taking applications for candidates to be elected to fill these vacancies.  You are cordially invited to be part of our team for the betterment of San Diego Chinese Academy. To Become a Candidate: Fill out an application at the Office. Please contact President Celine Chen @ 760-522-9184, or contact any current board member. Election Date: April 12, 2015.  中華學苑理事會基於更有效協助中華學苑成長茁壯,理事會成員將由七位增至九位 , 我們期待熱心的您前來登記成為理事候選人,一起加入經營中華學苑的行列!報名方式:   至辦公室填寫報名表, 洽現任理事長王意筑, 或洽任何現任理事。提名截止及投票日期:  4月12日

SDCA Read-A-Thon Started. This fun Read-A-Thon event is to read only 8 Chinese books in 29 days (from 3/29 to 4/26). The student will be granted 2 student store coupons if he/she finished reading 8 books or more. We’ll also select the ones who read the most books to win some surprise grand prizes. So Parents: please assist your kids in selecting the appropriate books for their reading levels.  Reading with your child(ren) is also a wonderful bonding opportunity. Go! SDCA! 中華學苑 - 『閱讀馬拉松』已經開跑囉! 歡迎您的孩子加入這有趣的閱讀馬拉松,只要孩子在3/29到4/19日內讀完8本中文書,就可以得到 2 張學生商店coupons 。另外,讀最多本書的前幾名學生有機會可以得到高級神秘禮物唷! 家長們:請您協助您的子女選擇適合他們程度的中文書籍,把握這個難得的親子共讀時光唷!大家一起加油吧!!

Chinese Yo-Yo Sale:
The school has Chinese Yo-Yos for sale, $15 each, available for purchase at the office. They are a lot of fun and make a great gift too.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.  如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework. Please sign up before the school starts at the office so that we can arrange the teachers for homework help.  5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office. Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week and are not a private tutor to do other learning plans. It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 請在上課前先到辦公室預約,以便安排老師來輔導。我們在下課後 4:40 到 5:25 上課.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

CodeWizzRD is offering computer programming camps during the upcoming PUSD spring break
4/6 - 4/10/2015 and SDUSD spring break 03/30 – 4/03/2015.  The curriculum consists of tablet based and hands­on tasks following the curriculum, aiming to finish one course (15 – 20 hours) over the week.

Codewizzrd: 04/06-04/10 Spring Break Computer Programming Camp

TECO passport/visa related services will be held at Chinese School of San Diego (5075 Ruffin Road, SD 92123) on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 2:30p.m. ~ 4:00p.m.  Please note that the order of signing in at the front desk of the school will be used as the waiting line number.


5075 Ruffin Road, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone #: (858) 633-2950

The next service date will be on Saturday, December 12, 2015.

亞太社區基金會所屬台美獎學金基金提供獎學金申請. Scholarship opportunity for children of Taiwanese immigrants. Let the school office know if you need help in translation.
亞太社區基金會(Asian Pacific Community Fund, APCF)獲得僑界善心人士及團體捐款35,000美金成立台美獎學金基金(Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund, TASF),針對美國地區臺灣移民子弟提供獎學金資助,相關資料如下:
(五)申請方式:請上www.TAScholarshipFund.org網站查詢,或致電213-624-6400 Ext 6、電子信箱

Second Annual Youth Cultural Performance
美國華人第二屆青少年藝術節舉辦中文演講比賽: 詳情請看:

美國華人第二屆青少年藝術節徵集參演節目: 詳情請看

我們每週成語的解答是.... 大海撈針  dà hǎi lāo zhēn

解釋:  比喻極難找到

造句:  不知張三的下落,想在這茫茫的世界中尋找,無異是大海撈針
English:  be no longer what one was

Friday, March 20, 2015

3-22-2015 Week 24:   詩詞朗誦比賽(二)
3-22-2015 第二十四週:  Poetry Contest II

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1. 3/22/2015: Poetry Contest II
詩詞朗誦比賽 (二)

2. 3/29/2015: Character Recognition Contest

3. 4/5/2015: Spring Break

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Poetry Recitation
This week (3/22/15) we continue our Poetry Recitation Contest: Parents, please remind your child(ren) that there is a 3-points deduction for disclosing one's name during the contest. Groups Regular C and Regular E, please check in at the Community Hall by 1:15 PM on 3/22/15. Regular D please check in at the Community Hall by 3:00 PM on 3/22/15.
本週(3/22/15) 我們繼續今年的詩詞朗誦比賽,請家長務必告訴孩子們不可以說出自己的名字,違者扣總分三分。請普通初級組及普通高級組於3/22下午1:15pm到Community Hall報到。普通中級組請於下午3:00pm報到。

Corrected Typing Contest Winner’s list
There was a typo in the typing contest winner’s list, here is the corrected one.


School Directory and Class Roster:
We are not printing school directories this year. All information will be available on the school portal. Use the following link to sign in. The 'School Directory' and 'Class Roster' links are located on the left side bar of the Home page. If you would like to be listed in the school directory, please check the 'List in School Directory' option in your personal information. It's also a good time to double check that your contact information is up to date. You can easily update it when you sign in to the school portal.
今年我們將不列印學校通訊錄。通訊錄與班級名單都在學校的網站。請用以下的連結登入學校的網站。通訊錄與班級名單的連結都在首頁左邊的選項裏。如果您希望將您家庭的聯絡方式列在通訊錄裏,請在您個人資料的 'List in School Directory' 選為 'Yes'。也請家長們確認家庭的聯絡方式是正確的。如需更改,請更新。

Interested in teaching or know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers. If you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。5QChannel-website.fw.png

Educational Resources:
華語學習資源: is a website which aims to help children around the world to learn Chinese through reading for fun, we recommend you check it out:  Listed annual subscription price is $140/year, our school gets a discounted rate for $50/year at  台灣陸鋒科技公司的動漫閱讀網是一個很好的華語學習資源,僑委會出版的僑教雙週刊都是請他們做的。這個產品有英文,繁體,及簡體的網站提供不同的資源給不同語文背景的學生,讓學生們可以按照他們的年齡及程度來選擇適合他們的內容。網站上也有很多教師資源,包括生字練習等等。網站公開的訂閱價格是一年USD$140. 我們學校的優惠價格是一年USD$50。有興趣的家長可直接到這個網址訂閱:

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Board Nomination Begins: The Board of Directors at SDCA is seeking four additional Board members.  We are actively taking applications for candidates to be elected to fill these vacancies.  You are cordially invited to be part of our team for the betterment of San Diego Chinese Academy. To Become a Candidate: Fill out an application at the Office. Please contact President Celine Chen @ 760-522-9184, or contact any current board member. Election Date: April 12, 2015.  中華學苑理事會基於更有效協助中華學苑成長茁壯,理事會成員將由七位增至九位 , 我們期待熱心的您前來登記成為理事候選人,一起加入經營中華學苑的行列!報名方式:   至辦公室填寫報名表, 洽現任理事長王意筑, 或洽任何現任理事。提名截止及投票日期:  4月12日

Chinese Yo-Yo Sale:
The school has Chinese Yo-Yos for sale, $15 each, available for purchase at the office. They are a lot of fun and make a great gift too.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.  如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework. Please sign up before the school starts at the office so that we can arrange the teachers for homework help.  5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office. Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week and are not a private tutor to do other learning plans. It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 請在上課前先到辦公室預約,以便安排老師來輔導。我們在下課後 4:40 到 5:25 上課.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

TECO passport/visa related services will be held at Chinese School of San Diego (5075 Ruffin Road, SD 92123) on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 2:30p.m. ~ 4:00p.m.  Please note that the order of signing in at the front desk of the school will be used as the waiting line number.
The next service date will be on Saturday, December 12, 2015.

亞太社區基金會所屬台美獎學金基金提供獎學金申請. Scholarship opportunity for children of Taiwanese immigrants. Let the school office know if you need help in translation.
亞太社區基金會(Asian Pacific Community Fund, APCF)獲得僑界善心人士及團體捐款35,000美金成立台美獎學金基金(Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund, TASF),針對美國地區臺灣移民子弟提供獎學金資助,相關資料如下:
(五)申請方式:請上www.TAScholarshipFund.org網站查詢,或致電213-624-6400 Ext 6、電子信箱

Writers' Square Chinese and English writing contests 2015:

Second Annual Youth Cultural Performance
美國華人第二屆青少年藝術節舉辦中文演講比賽: 詳情請看:

美國華人第二屆青少年藝術節徵集參演節目: 詳情請看

我們每週成語的解答是.... 今非昔比   jīn fēi xī bǐ

解釋:  今天與過去不能相比。形容變化巨大

造句:  馬德里的夏季如今已是今非昔比

English:  be no longer what one was

Friday, March 13, 2015

3-15-2015 Week 23:   詩詞朗誦比賽開始囉!
3-15-2015 第二十三週:  Poetry Contest begins!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1. 3/15/2015: Poetry Contest I
詩詞朗誦比賽 (一)

2. 3/22/2015: Poetry Contest II
詩詞朗誦比賽 (二)

3. 3/29/2015: Character Recognition Contest

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Poetry Recitation
Starting this week (3/15/15) we have our school-wide Poetry Recitation Contest. Parents, please remind your child(ren) that there is a 3-points deduction for disclosing one's name during the contest. Bilingual A, Bilingual B, Bilingual C, and Bilingual D, please check in at the Community Hall by 1:15 PM on 3/15/15. Regular A and Regular B please check in at the Community Hall by 3:00 PM on 3/15/15.
本週(3/15/15) 開始有一年一度的詩詞朗誦比賽,請家長務必告訴孩子們不可以說出自己的名字,違者扣總分三分。請雙語幼稚組、雙語初小組、雙語初級組、及雙語中級組於3/15下午1:15pm到Community Hall報到。普通幼稚組及普通初小組請於下午3:00pm報到。
Next week (3/22/15) will be the second day of our school-wide Poetry Recitation Contest.  Groups Regular C and Regular E, please check in at the Community Hall by 1:15 PM on 3/22/15. Regular D please check in at the Community Hall by 3:00 PM on 3/22/15.
下週3/22詩詞朗誦比賽的流程: 請普通初級組及普通高級組於3/22下午1:15pm到Community Hall報到。普通中級組請於下午3:00pm報到。

Typing Contest Winner
Congratulations to all winners, if you did not place this year, please keep working hard. Practice makes it perfect!

School Directory and Class Roster:
We are not printing school directories this year. All information will be available on the school portal. Use the following link to sign in. The 'School Directory' and 'Class Roster' links are located on the left side bar of the Home page. If you would like to be listed in the school directory, please check the 'List in School Directory' option in your personal information. It's also a good time to double check that your contact information is up to date. You can easily update it when you sign in to the school portal.
今年我們將不列印學校通訊錄。通訊錄與班級名單都在學校的網站。請用以下的連結登入學校的網站。通訊錄與班級名單的連結都在首頁左邊的選項裏。如果您希望將您家庭的聯絡方式列在通訊錄裏,請在您個人資料的 'List in School Directory' 選為 'Yes'。也請家長們確認家庭的聯絡方式是正確的。如需更改,請更新。

House of China Scholarship Opportunity
2015 VIRGINIA HOM FUNG MEMORIAL/YOUTH CHINESE LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP: The House of China (HOC) has a scholarship opportunity each year for SD County youths, 18 years of age or younger, currently enrolled in Chinese Schools in SD. There are three groups: beginning, intermediate and advanced, based on recommendations by teachers. Essays should be submitted in hand-written Chinese.  Please contact your teacher for more details.
紀念馮譚珍貴女士2015年中國館中文獎學金: 聖地牙哥中國館每年春季提供獎學金給就讀本市中文學校的學生,以鼓勵十八歲以下青少年學習中文。獎學金分為初級組、中級組,和高級組三組。組別由老師推薦,最後由評委會評定。每組得獎名額三位,請家長們鼓勵貴子弟報名參加,詳情與班級老師聯絡。

Interested in teaching or know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers. If you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。5QChannel-website.fw.png

Educational Resources:
華語學習資源: is a website which aims to help children around the world to learn Chinese through reading for fun, we recommend you check it out:  Listed annual subscription price is $140/year, our school gets a discounted rate for $50/year at  台灣陸鋒科技公司的動漫閱讀網是一個很好的華語學習資源,僑委會出版的僑教雙週刊都是請他們做的。這個產品有英文,繁體,及簡體的網站提供不同的資源給不同語文背景的學生,讓學生們可以按照他們的年齡及程度來選擇適合他們的內容。網站上也有很多教師資源,包括生字練習等等。網站公開的訂閱價格是一年USD$140. 我們學校的優惠價格是一年USD$50。有興趣的家長可直接到這個網址訂閱:

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Chinese Yo-Yo Sale:
The school has Chinese Yo-Yos for sale, $15 each, available for purchase at the office. They are a lot of fun and make a great gift too.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.  如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework. Please sign up before the school starts at the office so that we can arrange the teachers for homework help.  5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office. Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week and are not a private tutor to do other learning plans. It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 請在上課前先到辦公室預約,以便安排老師來輔導。我們在下課後 4:40 到 5:25 上課.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

TECO passport/visa related services will be held at Chinese School of San Diego (5075 Ruffin Road, SD 92123) on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 2:30p.m. ~ 4:00p.m.  Please note that the order of signing in at the front desk of the school will be used as the waiting line number.
The next service date will be on Saturday, December 12, 2015.


時間:3月14日(週六) 10:00am~1:00pm
地點:洛杉磯華僑文教中心 - 9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731
主題:輕鬆高效 學好中文

時間:3月14日(週六) 5:00pm~8:00pm
地點:College of Art and Letters at SDSU, AL-101 - 5500 Campanile Drive,San Diego, CA 92182

亞太社區基金會所屬台美獎學金基金提供獎學金申請. Scholarship opportunity for children of Taiwanese immigrants. Let the school office know if you need help in translation.
亞太社區基金會(Asian Pacific Community Fund, APCF)獲得僑界善心人士及團體捐款35,000美金成立台美獎學金基金(Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund, TASF),針對美國地區臺灣移民子弟提供獎學金資助,相關資料如下:
(五)申請方式:請上www.TAScholarshipFund.org網站查詢,或致電213-624-6400 Ext 6、電子信箱

Writers' Square Chinese and English writing contests 2015:

San Diego Chinese Women's Association Scholarship Opportunity
聖地牙哥中華婦女協會2014-2015 年度教育獎學金及支助非營利機構資金申請通告 -
San Diego Chinese Women's Association has scholarship opportunity, for details please see
聖地牙哥中華婦女協會(San Diego Chinese Women’s Association) 即日起接受 2014-2015 年度教育獎學金的申請. SDCWA 每年撥出一筆慈善教育基金用以獎勵及幫助本地精英學子繼續深造. 獎學金之申請者必須是聖地牙哥高中應屆畢業生, 或是聖地牙哥社區大學學生; 至少具有四分之一的華裔血統. 申請截止日期為3/28/2015. 獲獎名單將於本學年度學期結束前公佈. 歡迎符合資格的華人子弟踴躍報名申請. 詳情請查看網頁:

Second Annual Youth Cultural Performance
美國華人第二屆青少年藝術節舉辦中文演講比賽: 詳情請看:

美國華人第二屆青少年藝術節徵集參演節目: 詳情請看

我們每週成語的解答是.... 同心協力   tóng xīn xié lì

解釋:  團结一致,共同努力

造句:  我和弟弟 同心協力  完成了一千片的拼圖

English:  to work together