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Thursday, November 20, 2014

11-23-2014 Week 11:  Culture Day!
11-23-2014 第十一週:  一起來享受美食喔!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
  1. 11/23/2014: SDCA Culture Day
                                           NO Student Snack & Student Recess Cultural Activity
學生福利社 & 下課文化體驗暫停一次 
Speech Contest Order Drawing
  1. 12/7/2014:        Speech Contest
  1. 12/14/2014:      Student Store 學生商店

  • Please come join our Cultural Day on November 23th.  This Sunday (11/23/14) will be the SDCA Cultural Day (Rice Ball Festival), and we will be making rice balls to celebrate.  This is a PTA activity, but due to popular demand it has been open to the entire school for the last few years.  If your child is allergic to glutinous rice and/or any other food item, please make sure to tell your child not to eat things that he/she is allergic to and please accompany your child to get the food items.  Letting the teacher know what your child is allergic to may also help to keep things flowing smoothly.  PTA will have schedules for each class/group to help with the flow of that day. Please pay special attention to communication from your room parents as well. There will also be an exhibition of winning works from the character writing contest and other fun activities, please don't miss out on this great event.  We will have the ingredients listed by each rice ball soup.   下週(11/23)本校家長會將舉辦中華學苑文化節活動,是吃湯圓的日子,有甜和鹹湯圓。這是一個家長會的活動,但是因為很受孩子們的歡迎,所以近幾年來也都開放給孩子們參加。如果貴子弟對糯米或任何食物過敏的話,請叮嚀貴子弟不要吃過敏的食物,也請家長陪同來參加。同時,讓老師們知道貴子弟的過敏物品也有可能協助校方縮短應變時間。當天也有班級寫字比賽第一名學生的作品展覽及其他活動,歡迎家長們一起來共享美食及家長會精心設計的各種活動。為了讓當天的活動順利圓滿,家長會會請班代表轉寄當天的活動流程表,請家長們記得要看班代表寄出的電子郵件。

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

  • Chinese Character Writing Contest: Thanks to everyone's help , our Class Chinese Character Writing Contest was a success.  This year the work of first place winner from each class will be displayed in the office during our Culture Day.  All of our students did a great job and we are so proud of them.  Congratulations to the winners, if you did not make the list, keep practicing and good luck next year. Winners’ list can be seen at the link below. 謝謝大家的幫忙,班級寫字比賽已圓滿結束。今年的班級寫字比賽得名學生的作品將會展示在辦公室。學生們的作品都好棒! 我們也以他們為榮! 因為名額有限,恭喜得獎同學,沒得獎的同學明年加油!得獎名單連結:

  • Speech Contest: This year we have about 80 students participating in the speech contest, so we need to split the contest into two days (12/7/14 and 12/14/14).  Thank you for encouraging your child(ren) to participate.  This week we will have drawing to determine the competition order.  If your child cannot make it to the drawing, his/her teacher or school will draw for him/her. Next 2 weeks, 12/7 and 12/14, is the school-wide Speech Contest. Parents please encourage your child to spend some time everyday to practice. Practice makes perfect!  For speech contest related information (drawing order time, group contest date, topics, etc.) please see the link below.  今年演講比賽參賽的學生很多,所以我們需要分兩天舉辦,謝謝家長們給學生的鼓勵。本週有演講比賽號碼抽籤,老師會帶學生到辦公室抽籤,缺席的學生,由該班老師代抽。下兩週12/07/2014 及12/14/2014 (感恩節放假過後)是今年度的演講比賽,請家長們抓緊時間幫孩子們練習。有關演講比賽的檔案(抽籤時間,各組比賽日期,題目,等等)請看以下連結:

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework.  5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office.  Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week, not a private tutor to do other learning plans.  It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 需要老師的輔助, 我們在下課後 4:40 到 5:25 提供團體在助.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

NO Student snack store & Student recess activity 學生福利社及下課文化體驗暫停一次:
Culture Day Festival will be taking place this Sunday and our children will be encouraged to come by the office courtyard to enjoy the rice ball soup.  
點心時間與下課文化體驗暫停一次! 小朋友們將在下課的時間到辦公室外的空地品嘗好吃又有過節氣份的湯圓~
Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position to qualify you for your service refund.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

San Diego Chinese Art & Cultural Society drawing/painting contest, please see link below for details.

TECO document pick up schedule updated.  They are coming to San Diego on the schedule day to provide document pick up service. Please see the link below.  駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處領務組將於11/22下午14:30至16:00來San Diego, 提供活動領務收件。 詳情請參考附件。  



我們每週成語的解答是.... 德高望重   dé gāo wàng zhòng

解釋: 德:品德;望:聲望,名望。道德高尚,名望很大。多用於稱頌年長與名位高的人
造句: 我爺爺在村上是德高望重的人

English:    be of noble character

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11-15-2014 Week 10:  Character Writing Contest!
11-15-2014 第十週:  大家一起來寫字!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! ****
  1. 11/09/2014: Book Exchange Postponed
                                           Student Snack & Student Recess Cultural Activity
學生福利社 &下課文化體驗
  1. 11/16/2014: Class Chinese Character Writing Contest
           Parents/Staff Chinese Character Writing Contest
Speech Contest Sign Up Deadline
  1. 11/23/2014: SDCA Culture Day

  • Please come join our Cultural Day on the November 23th. Next week (11/23/14) will be the SDCA Cultural Day (Rice Ball Festival), we will be making rice balls to celebrate.  This is a PTA activity, but due to popular demand it has been open to the entire school for the last few years.  If your child is allergic to glutinous rice and/or any other food item, please make sure to tell your child not to eat things that he/she is allergic to and please accompany your child to get the food items.  Letting the teacher know what your child is allergic to may also help to cut down on response time as well.  PTA will have schedules for each class/group to help with the flow of that day. Please pay special attention to communication from your room parents as well. There will also be exhibition of winning works from the character writing contest and other fun activities, please don't pass this great event.  We will have the ingredients listed by each rice ball soup.   下 週(11/23)本校家長會將舉辦中華學苑文化節活動,是吃湯圓的日子,有甜和鹹湯圓。這是一個家長會的活動,但是因為很受孩子們的歡迎,所以近幾年來也 都開放給孩子們參加。如果貴子弟對糯米或任何食物過敏的話,請叮嚀貴子弟不要吃過敏的食物,也請家長陪同來參加。同時,讓老師們知道貴子弟的過敏物品也有 可能協助校方縮短應變時間。當天也有班級寫字比賽第一名學生的作品展覽及其他活動,歡迎家長們一起來共享美食及家長會精心設計的各種活動。為了讓當天的活 動順利圓滿,家長會會請班代表轉寄當天的活動流程表,請家長們記得要看班代表寄出的電子郵件。

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Speech Contest.jpg
  • Speech Contest sign-up ends this week (11/16/14). Please encourage your child to participate.  今年的演講比賽報名到本週(11/16/14)截止,請家長鼓勵貴子弟踴躍報名參加。

  • This week (11/16/14) we have Class Chinese Character Writing Contest.  Preschool classes and kindergarten classes do not have the contest.  The work of the first place winner from each class will be displayed at our Cultural Day (Rice Ball Festival) next week. Good luck everyone. 本週(11/16/14)有班級寫字比賽,學前班和幼稚班的學生,無須參加。今年的班級寫字比賽第一名學生的作品將在我們下週湯圓文化節展出。
  • Parents/Staff Chinese Character Writing Contest this week (11/16/14).  While having the Chinese Character Writing Contest in each class for the students, we will also have a fun Chinese Character Writing Contest for all the parents and staff at SDCA.  Just stop by the office to write down ten Chinese character, then you will have the chance to win a great prize on Culture Day (11/23). Please come by the office to participate. 為了響應本校的班級寫字比賽,鼓勵大小朋友一起參加,今年我們也會舉辦超級簡單版的大朋友寫字比賽(11/16)。歡迎家長與老師們來辦公室,只要花不到一分鐘,在我們準備的紙上寫下"大家一起來快樂學中文" 十個字,就有機會贏得獎品喔。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****
Book Fair 開卷有益讀書坊 (延期)
Our book fair will be postponed for a few months as we are preparing the big event for Culture Day.   We would like to ask you to continue to bring books that you would like to trade to our office.  We will be giving out FREE Midway museum ticket and student coupons to students who have brought books to trade.  For those who have already brought in books, please come by the office to get your free tickets.   With additional time we have, our book fair committee hope to not only provide you a place to trade books but to also introduce new Chinese children books for group purchase.  Stay tuned for more information!  為 了準備文化節, 開卷有益讀書坊將延期幾周,  我們還是請各位家長繼續講家中看過的中文童書 (Gently used). 拿出來交換,  有帶書來的學生將得到一張免費 Midway museum 的入場券.   請大家踴躍參加, 讓我們的小朋友能接觸到更多的中文書籍!!   

Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework.  5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office.  Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week, not a private tutor to do other learning plans.  It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課 業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 需要老師的輔助, 我們再下課後 4:40 到 5:25 提供團體輔助.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) We will resume our Ninja Workout program this week. Tennis,, baseball, cycling and aerobic will all take place at different locations. Please contact Jerry  if you are interested in joining us.   我們這禮拜健人就是腳勤活動將恢復繼續進行,網球、棒球、單車和有氧舞蹈都在不同地點展開。有興趣的家ˇ長請與Jerry 聯絡

Student snack store & Student recess activity 學生福利社及下課文化體驗:
Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Chinese Yoyo with your friends and kids. 點心時間與下課文化體驗持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁或牛奶只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position to qualify you for your service refund.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****
San Diego Chinese Art & Cultural Society drawing/painting contest, please see link below for details.

TECO document pick up schedule updated.  They are coming to San Diego on the schedule day to provide document pick up service. Please see the link below.  駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處領務組將於11/22下午14:30至16:00來San Diego, 提供活動領務收件。 詳情請參考附件。  


僑 委會為增進海外華裔青(少)年華語文能力,認識傳統中華文化與臺灣多元文化,瞭解中華民國進步發展現況,並促進海內外青年互動交流,將持續辦理「2015 年海外華裔青年語文研習班」。該研習班將開辦7期個別班,凡年滿14足歲至未滿24歲(以護照所載出生日期為憑),目前居住於海外,身心健康、學行良好、 有高度學習華語文意願,並能適應團體生活之華裔青(少)年均可報名參加。

我們每週成語的解答是.... 一目十行  yī mù shí háng

解釋: 形容看書的速度很快
造句: 聽說學過速讀的人,看書可以一目十行

English:    read ten lines of writing with one single glance