Back to School Edition!!
暑假結束了, 大家都註冊了嗎??
**************!!! Mark Your Calendar 重要活動日期 !!! **************
1. 9/14/2014: 2014-15 School starts & Credit Class Parents Meeting
2. 9/28/2014: Back to School Parents meeting
3. 10/05/2014: Room Parents meeting
**************!!! School Administration 註冊及校務 !!! ***************
1. If you have not register your kids for this school year, please do so before school begins. We do online registration and you can easily register your kids at home instead of waiting in a long line in a hot summer day. To register, please go to
歡迎大家回到學校. 如果還沒有註冊的家長, 請在開學前完成網上註冊的手續. 學校提供的網上註冊, 讓您在家裡就可以輕輕鬆鬆地幫您的孩子們註冊. 不要等到開學第一天在大熱天排著長隊等著. 網上註冊後請家長們可以在開學第一天直接帶支票到辦公室繳交, 或是將支票寄到學校. 網上註冊很簡單, 請到以下網址:
If you have not created your username and password, please contact with your name and student’s name. We will send
you a new invitation email to create your account.
you a new invitation email to create your account.
如果您還沒有設定您帳戶的使用者名稱與密碼, 請電郵您的大名與學生姓名至 . 我們將儘快寄上新的邀請電郵幫您開戶.
2. As part of our effort to transition into a more Eco-friendly environment, we have moved class assignment and volunteer service schedule to our registration portal at above registration login page. Class map will be available first day of class right outside of office or at PTA booth.
為了節省紙張的浪費與響應環保. 我們將部分校訊內容保留在學校的網站. 在網站家長訊息裡列有學生班級一覽表與義工服務時間表.
查詢學生的班級, 請由此登入
使用您註冊時的用戶名稱與密碼登入您的帳戶, 在首頁列有學生班級, 老師與教室資訊
3. 聖地牙哥中華科工聯誼會獎學金 SDCASEA 2014 Scholarship Opportunity and Tuition Assistance Program. For high school senior, class of 2014 only, Application deadline: 11:59pm, September 30, 2014. For detail and application forms please see the two links below:
**************!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ***************
Volunteers Needed!! We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year. Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference! Your help could be a big contribution to our school. Please email:
新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 謝謝! 請郵電
· TA 助教
· Room Parents 班爸班媽
· School Publication (Year Book) Graphic Artist & Editor 學校刊物美工, 編輯
· Event poster 美工宣傳組
Library/Book Assistant 圖書管理組
New Year Festival/Graduation/Student store 新年畢業典禮活動組
Recess Snack Service 學生福利社
*****************!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! *******************
1. Mid-Autumn Celebration and Art Contest information:
First place winner receives 2 China Airline tickets.
Registration deadline is 8/27/14.
Please see links below for contest and celebration details:
有個好消息通知大家, 由爾灣中文學校與世界日報主辦的 2014 歡樂中秋星空園遊會, 即將在中秋節前舉辦, 歡迎各校師生及家長踴躍報名參加, 贏得大獎. 活動有:特大中秋月餅展示,月餅品嘗,手提LED 馬年小燈籠贈送,趣味燈謎競猜,可愛寵物總動員- -寵物才藝競賽,嘉年華兒童遊樂場,露天舞台表演,台灣夜市懷舊遊戲,小孩滾柚,大人剝柚親子同樂,捷安特Giant 2015新車展銷,以及中華航空小”華”家兒童繪畫比賽,分成三組比賽,每組頭獎為洛杉磯-台北來回機票2張,報名 8/27/2014 截止。園遊會現場還有近百商家及人氣美食。
時間: 星期六 9/1 11:00am – 9:00pm
地點: Irvine Chinese School, 9 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620
2. 慈濟青少年成長班 新學年開始招生, 詳情請點選連結.