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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 21 第廿一週

Secret Gifts from the Stars on 3/9
來自星星的他們  3/9日學苑超能力密傳講座

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
3/02/2014   賣禮券Scrip Sale Day
                  雙語班口試 Bilingual classes (CSL) - Oral Test
3/09/2014  來自星星的他們  學苑超能力密傳講座 Parents Seminar # 3
    中文 SAT II 模擬考 SAT II simulation test
                 下學期期中考 Second semester midterm
  日光節約開始 Daylight saving time starts

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****

  1. Drawing for Poetry Recitation Contest order will be this Sunday (3/2/14).  Participating students please come to the office to draw for your order.  School will notify participating students the exact drawing time once we have determined the total number of participating students this week. 詩詞朗誦比賽抽籤將於本週 (03/02/2014)舉行,參加比賽的同學請注意要在第一節及第二節下課來辦公室抽籤, 校方會依據本週最後的報名人數再通知抽籤的確實時間。
  2. 下週 (3/9/14) 有中文SAT II模擬考,參加SAT II模擬考的同學,請於早上11:45到電腦教室集合,12:00準時考試,請考生自備2B鉛筆,請記得要帶准考證來考試。當日日光節約開始,請勿遲到。
  3. 2012 VIRGINIA HOM FUNG MEMORIAL/YOUTH CHINESE LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP: The House of China (HOC) has awarded scholarships each year to SD County youths, 18 years of age or younger, currently enrolled in Chinese Schools in SD. There are three groups: beginning, intermediate and advanced, based on recommendations by teachers.  Essays shall be submitted in hand-written Chinese.  Please contact your teacher for more details.   紀念馮譚珍貴女士2014年中國館中文獎學金: 聖地牙哥中國館每年春季提供獎學金給就讀本市中文學校的學生,以鼓勵十八歲以下青少年學習中文。獎學金分為初級組、中級組,和高級組三組。組別由老師推薦,最後由評委會評定。每組得獎名額三位,請家長們鼓勵貴子弟報名參加,詳情與班級老師聯絡。
  4. To encourage Chinese study, we provide awards to our students who have continuously studied Chinese for 6, 9, or 12 years. If your child qualifies, please obtain application form from your teacher. If the previous years of study were from another Chinese school, proper documentation must be submitted along with the application form. Application deadline is March 31.  本校為了鼓勵孩子們堅持不斷的學習中文,我們提供獎勵給連續就讀中文6年,9年,12年的學生,如果您的孩子符合條件,請向老師索取申請單。如果是轉校生,則必須提供外校就讀的證明,例如成績單,獎狀之類的文件證明,申請日期到3/31截止。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****

  1. Parents Seminar #3 “secret gifts from the stars” on 3/9 1:40pm to 4:00pm. Next week we’ll have a special parents seminar lead by few famous speakers. To know more in details, please follow the blog next week.. 學校將於下周3/9下午1:40至4:00舉辦"來自星星的他們  學苑超能力密傳講座"與家長大會。您想要知道更多嗎? 請別錯過下週的部落格。
  2. Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
  3. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC)  After a fun Chinese New Year week, let’s get up off the couch and resume our exercise. Tennis, badminton, baseball, cycling, hiking are our current running clubs. Please contact Jerry if you are interested in any of the programs and come to the office at 1:40PM. 經過愉快的春節慶祝園遊會,這週趕快站起來動一動筋骨吧! 我們有很多活動, 如網球、羽球、棒球、單車、健行。有興趣者請與Jerry 聯絡,並在1:40PM至辦公室集合。

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****    

1. Scrip Sales: We’ll have Scrip Sale Day in the office this Sunday  1:30 to 4pm. Please fill out the form, Scrip Purchase Form before you do the scrip purchase.  We’ll also start the service refund this week. Please come to process your service refund if you completed your volunteer service.  賣禮券囉!! 禮券組將在1/26 下午一點半到四點在學校辦公室販售禮券,請在購買前填妥禮卷購買單。本週也開始義工服務退費,請完成義工服務及符合退費資格的家長前來退費。
2. The yearbook team is starting to work on the yearbook, if you have good photos of school events to share, please contact our vice president/editor in chief Ms. Isabelle Yang. 理事會已開始著手編輯今年的年刊,如您手邊有學校活動的好照片願意分享,請與副理事長及總編輯曾梁菁女士 Isabelle Yang聯絡。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****

1. VOTE NO on SCA-5 反對SCA-5 提案
加州州議會正在審議的SCA-5法案正牽動每一位亞裔家長的心。該法案將為通過投票改變1998年Prop.209確立的關於加州公立高等教育機構 (UC和Cal-State)不得以種族等因素作為招生考量因素的法律。該提案已經在1月30日在州參議院通過,現已提交州眾議院討論。如果通過,亞裔學生入學加大和州大的難度將更大。這一法案的命運值得每位亞裔人士關注。



2. 為落實服務南加各地區僑民,駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處將於3月22日至聖地牙哥提供領務收件服務,地點在「聖地牙哥華人服務中心」(5075 Ruffin Road, Suite A, San Diego, California,92123)欲申辦護照、文件驗證及簽證之僑胞可多加利用。另因場地時間及人力限制,現場將發放100個號碼牌(授權書類50位申請人,護照及簽證類50位申請人),依號碼順序收件,號碼牌發完後恕不再受理;所有申請文件將攜回本處製作完成後再郵寄回申請人。相關資訊可於上班時間電洽213-389-1215 或本處網頁查詢。

<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
Would you like a book that is fun and teaches your kids Chinese at the same time? SDCA parent       Katie Do Guthrie has recently published a colorful book that does both! 'Evie and Andrew's Asian Adventures in Taiwan' is now available on

This book is entertaining for both children and adults to learn Chinese language and culture while having fun. It's great for beginners too. Let SDCA students Evie and Andrew take you on adventures to learn Chinese while having a blast! Please check out the book today!  If you have any questions, please contact Katie Do Guthrie. (SDCA mom from PA and KB classes). Thank you.

您是否正在尋找一本有趣,又可以教導孩子中文的書? 一位聖地牙哥中華學苑的母親Katie Do Guthrie最近出版了一本寓教於樂的書!“伊薇和安德魯的亞洲冒險-台灣之旅"現在可以在 上購買

這是一本能讓兒童和成人在學習中國語言和文化的同時,享受閱讀樂趣的書。這也是一本適合初學者的書。讓聖地牙哥中華學苑的學生伊薇和安德魯帶你環遊台灣,充分享受學中文的樂趣!今天就上網看看這本書吧! 如果您有疑問,請聯繫杜思縈 (Katie DO Guthrie). (SDCA mom from PA and KB classes).謝謝。

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 20 第廿週

Sign Up Today for Poetry Recitation Contest!
不怕不怕啦  報名就對了!

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
Last day to sign up for Poetry Recitation Contest.
3/02/2014雙語班口試 Bilingual classes (CSL) - Oral Test
     日光節約開始 Daylight savings time starts
 中文 SAT II 模擬考 SAT II simulation test
3/09/2014 下學期期中考 Second semester midterm

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. This Sunday (2/23/14) is the last day to sign up for the school-wide Poetry Recitation Contest. Please submit sign-up form to the teacher. Drawing for contest order will be the following week (3/2/14).  Participating students please come to the office to draw for your order.  School will notify participating students the exact drawing time once we have determined the total number of participating students this week.  詩詞朗誦比賽報名本週 (2月23日)截止,請向老師索取報名表把握最後機會報名。詩詞朗誦比賽抽籤將於下週 (03/02/2014)舉行,參加比賽的同學請注意要在第一節及第二節下課來辦公室抽籤, 校方會依據本週最後的報名人數再通知抽籤的確實時間。
  2. 2012 VIRGINIA HOM FUNG MEMORIAL/YOUTH CHINESE LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP: The House of China (HOC) has awarded scholarships each year to SD County youths, 18 years of age or younger, currently enrolled in Chinese Schools in SD. There are three groups: beginning, intermediate and advanced, based on recommendations by teachers.  Essays shall be submitted in hand-written Chinese.  Please contact your teacher for more details.   紀念馮譚珍貴女士2014年中國館中文獎學金: 聖地牙哥中國館每年春季提供獎學金給就讀本市中文學校的學生,以鼓勵十八歲以下青少年學習中文。獎學金分為初級組、中級組,和高級組三組。組別由老師推薦,最後由評委會評定。每組得獎名額三位,請家長們鼓勵貴子弟報名參加,詳情與班級老師聯絡。
  3. To encourage Chinese study, we provide awards to our students who have continuously studied Chinese for 6, 9, or 12 years. If your child qualifies, please obtain application form from your teacher. If the previous years of study were from another Chinese school, proper documentation must be submitted along with the application form. Application deadline is March 31.  本校為了鼓勵孩子們堅持不斷的學習中文,我們提供獎勵給連續就讀中文6年,9年,12年的學生,如果您的孩子符合條件,請向老師索取申請單。如果是轉校生,則必須提供外校就讀的證明,例如成績單,獎狀之類的文件證明,申請日期到3/31截止。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****
  1. Poetry Recitation Contest Sign-up Ends This Sunday (2/23): Your kid missed the speech contest or he/she didn’t win the trophy?  No worry, ever give up!! Here comes another contest (and an easier one)! Please encourage your kids to sign up for this annual contest.  It’s a great opportunity to help your children build confidence and polish their Chinese. The contest is fun and everyone who joins the contest is a winner!! 詩詞朗誦比賽報名這週結束! 您的孩子錯過了上次演講比賽或是錯失了拿獎盃的機會嗎?沒關係 不要放棄, 這次可別再錯過啦! 中文詩詞朗誦不但簡單有趣, 也可以增加孩子的自信心。請給您的孩子一個上台磨練中文的機會吧!
  2. Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
  3. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC)  After a fun Chinese New Year week, let’s get up off the couch and resume our exercise. Tennis, badminton, baseball, cycling, hiking are our current running clubs. Please contact Jerry if you are interested in any of the programs and come to the office at 1:40PM. 經過愉快的春節慶祝園遊會,這週趕快站起來動一動筋骨吧! 網球、羽球、棒球、單車、健行是我們現在進行的活動。有興趣者請與Jerry 聯絡,並在1:40PM至辦公室集合。

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****    
The yearbook team is starting to work on the yearbook, if you have good photos of school events to share, please contact our vice president/editor in chief Ms. Isabelle Yang. 理事會已開始著手編輯今年的年刊,如您手邊有學校活動的好照片願意分享,請與副理事長及總編輯曾梁菁女士 Isabelle Yang聯絡。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****

  1. San Diego Chinese Catholic Community and Chinese America Women's League will have a health seminar on Saturday, February 22, 2014 (1:00 pm-3:00 pm) at St. Therese of Carmel Catholic Church. Please see flyer for more information. 聖地雅歌天主教華人團體與華裔婦女聯盟將在本週六舉辦鄭錦家醫師醫學講座:如何防癌及抗發炎. 詳情請見FLYER.
  2. ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVING HISTORICAL ACCURACY OF FOREIGN INVASIONS IN CHINA (APHAFIC) - winter meeting is on Saturday, February 22, 2014 (10:30 am-12:30 pm) at La Jolla/Riford Branch Library (7555 Draper Ave, La Jolla, CA).  The speaker will be Murray K. Lee,  the curator of Chinese American History at the San Diego Chinese Historical Museum. For reservation and information, please contact Lilin Wang 858-246-6165 or Camellia Yeqing Chen,858-451-6618. 列強侵華史實維護協會冬季會議將於二月二十二日(禮拜六)在La Jolla/Riford Branch Library舉行, 當天演講的主講嘉賓是聖地牙哥中華歷史博物館美籍華人歷史管理員李國光先生, 當天有茶點免費招待, 歡迎參加.

<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese children’s book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here. 今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱
厚! 賓至如歸啦!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

2/14 Special Edition

Happy “Valantern’s” day- Special Edition

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
2/16/2014    No School - Teachers Spring Training 放假(春季教師研習會)
2/23/2014    Back to School 正常上課

***** Special Announcement 特別的感謝給特別的妳 *****
We had a fabulous Chinese New Year Festival last Sunday!  The school/PTA wanted to take this chance to show you our greatest appreciation for your support to make this event a big success. Here is a link to the photos taken by our parent volunteer that day. And here are the news article also for your reference. Hope you enjoy them.

In addition, please take a moment to do a super quick survey (only 5 questions).  The survey results will help us to improve and plan an even better CNY festival next year. Thank you!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

***** CNY Festival Parents Feedback 新年活動家長回應  *****
“THANK YOU so much for all of your hard work for the SDCA CNY carnival!  It was a huge, huge success.  This was my 4th year and I have to say that this was the most organized. I know your teams put in countless of hours organizing, planning and executing your plans and it really paid off.  From the excellent floor plan to the Room Parents design-your-poster thought of everything.  THANK YOU for your passion to this truly benefits the children.  We are so lucky to have you at the school! “   - 3B room parent, Elaine Lu

“appreciated that you prepare chairs for tired moms/dads to sit on." - room parent X

"very well planned in general and great job by everyone!"  - room parent Y

"Excellent! Jian Zi's sign was not big enough (no table) so some people had to make extra efforts to find the booth. But overall the arrangement was brilliant because it made people explore as many booths as possible. I loved the MC idea as well. Music could be a little bit louder, though."  - room parent Z

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****

This is the Year of the Horse in Chinese lunar calendar.  As part of the celebration, come see demonstrations by local artist Jean Shen and her students on February 15 (Saturday), 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. University City Community Library on 4155 Governor Dr. Artists will demonstrate different Chinese brush painting styles -  detail style, spontaneous free style, of animals, landscape, flowers, calligraphy. Ask the questions you always want to ask about Chinese paintings, such as,"What is that red chop on the paintings?" You may hear a short talk from Jean Shen on this unique way of painting, which is a joyful dance. The exhibit of 45-plus paintings will be closing at the end of February. All are welcomed. 為慶祝馬年新年,聖地牙哥知名畫家Jean Shen在UTC的圖書館舉辦個人及學生的聯名國畫展,現場不但有展示超過45幅各式畫作, 各種國畫技法, 您也可以聆聽畫家本人演講解說, 以及詢問問題 歡迎前來參觀 。