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Monday, December 23, 2013


***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
12/22/2013 and 12/29/2013 Holidays
1/5/2014 Back to school 學校恢復上課
               Seminar #2 Education and College Preparation 
at Community Hall (Don't miss out!)
                    講座 #2 教育與升學 (內容精采 可別錯過囉!)
               pm 4:00
PTA Meeting and Room Parents Meeting at Community Hall

***** Announcement *****
  • Student directory went with your student last Sunday, December 15, 2013. Please check your student's backpack.
  • Deadline for yearbook cover contest is January 12, 2014.  Please encourage your student to participate and use the holiday break to work on the cover.  One artwork will be selected for the yearbook cover, and all other submitted entries will be used throughout the yearbook. 
  • Please consider donating to our school by the end of year. Our fundraising efforts are for a better education for our children. SDCA is a non-profit organization, and all donations to SDCA are tax deductible. Many companies also have one-to-one matching program or community charity. Please consult your HR department about how to help SDCA fund raising efforts. Thank you for your help! 請考慮在年底前捐款給 SDCA。我們的募款活動是要為我們的孩子提供更好的教育。 SDCA是一個非營利組織,所有捐款均可抵稅。許多公司也有一對一配套的捐款方案或社區慈善計畫,請諮詢您的人力資源管理部門如何幫助 SDCA的募款活動。感謝您的幫助。

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 13 第十三週

Learn How to Shop at School
學生商店  銀貨兩訖

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
12/15/2013 Speech Contest 2
                  演講比賽 2
                  Student Store
                1:45pm Parents Share and Learn Club - Skin Care and Cosmetic
    大朋友俱樂部 "基礎皮膚保養 和 假日冬季彩妝"
     3:30 Sunday Market - Free Samples Giveaway and Tasting
     周日市場- 有好吃的有好看的!
12/22/2013 and 12/29/2013 Holidays
1/5/2014 Seminar #2 Education and College Preparation
                  講座 #2 教育與升學

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. This week is week two of our speech contest, contest itinerary is listed here.本週是第二場的演講比賽,有雙語甲組、雙語乙組、非華裔特別混齡組、及成人組。比賽程序請看這裡
  2. This week we have coupon day.  Please remind your kids to bring in their coupon stickers to redeem for gift items and prizes.  It’s also a good idea to have your kids bring a bag so they have something to carry the gift items and prizes in.  Coupon Day Schedule here. 本週有上學期的學生商店,請家長們提醒貴子弟記得帶學生商店貼紙收集卡來換取獎品,也請學生準備一個袋子來裝他們換取的禮品。學生商店各班的兌換次序請看這裡.
  3. There is a teacher training session on 2/16/14 from 8 am to 5 pm at Chapman University. If you are interested in becoming a teacher at SDCA, please contact Vice Principal Law to register. 明年春季教學及行政人員研討會2/16/2014(星期日)上午8時至下午5時於Chapman University 舉行,有興趣加入中華學院教書行列的家長們,請與羅副校長聯絡。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****
  1. Parents Share and Learn Club: Make up Artist Karen Lin will have a Cosmetic Tips sharing club in the office starting at 1:45PM. Please join us!  大朋友俱樂部12月特別邀請了彩妝魔術師-Karen Lin, 本周會在家長辦公室裡和大家分享她的神奇肌膚保養,以及冬季假期的彩妝魔法,竭誠的歡迎諸位帥氣爸爸、美女媽媽們參加,凍齡的祕密,一次說給你聽喔! 
  2. We will have Student Store Day this Sunday. This is the time our kids exchange their hard-earned coupons for gifts they like. 本週將舉辦學生商店活動,此項活動是我們的學生將他們努力讀書獲得的獎券換取禮品, 請家長鼓勵孩子們換取他們自己喜歡的禮物。
  3. Sunday Market is held for the first time on location!  Chocolates, Gymnastic Class, Organic Farm, and Second Hand Treasure Hunt (This is for you to join. Please feel free to bring your items to school with price tag and wait for your buyer to come)!周日市場: 終於到了學期最後一天,一考完試大家應該心情輕鬆了!看著節日近在眼前, 是否已經準備好了贈送親朋好友的禮品呢? 是否沒有時間出去買菜呢?是否看著家裡的雜物很想把他們清理一下呢? 如果您有這樣的想法,周日市場,可以解決您的問題!而且有好吃的有好看的!攤位有:健康巧克力, 體操館, 有機農場, 二手市場(在您帶來的二手商品上貼上標籤,打個蝴蝶結,馬上成了別人家的寶貝!而且,也是一個不讓你頭痛也不心疼的清理雜物好方法)!當然了,我們希望這個活動,可以替學校爭取更多的經費!商家很願意在這個方面支持學校!所以您的捧場或者消費,將會帶給學校更多福利!請大家告訴大家, 來熱鬧一下! 這是第一次周日市場,所以是試賣的性質,如果成功,我們以後可以再舉辦!
  1. Chinese Speech Contest on 12/8 and 12/15. Parents, please be enthusiastic and supportive. Please help and work with your kiddo to prepare the speech. The most important part of your child’s Chinese speech experience is not about winning or beating his/her friends, but rather that he/she develops the self confidence to speak Chinese in public and at the same time polish her/his Chinese speaking skills. All the preparation for the speech day event will help them to be successful later in life. 家長們請拿出您的熱情和鼓勵以協助孩子們準備這兩週的中文演講比賽。輸贏不是演講比賽的目的,整個準備過程和上台的經驗都會幫助孩子們未來的人生更成功。
  2. No Children’s Cultural Activities, Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC), and Snack Store this week due to speech contest and student store. Thank you for your participation.  We’ll see you again next year!. 因配合演講比賽與學生商店活動, 本週點心時間, 健人就是腳勤俱樂部, 與兒童民俗體育活動取消,謝謝您與孩子今年的參與, 咱們明年見。
  3. Please consider donating to our school by the end of year. Our fundraising efforts are for a better education for our children. SDCA is a non-profit organization, and all donations to SDCA are tax deductible. Many companies also have one-to-one matching program or community charity. Please consult your HR department about how to help SDCA fund raising efforts. Thank you for your help! 請考慮在年底前捐款給 SDCA。我們的募款活動是要為我們的孩子提供更好的教育。 SDCA是一個非營利組織,所有捐款均可抵稅。許多公司也有一對一配套的捐款方案或社區慈善計畫,請諮詢您的人力資源管理部門如何幫助 SDCA的募款活動。感謝您的幫助。

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****
  1. Scrip Sales: We’ll have Scrip Sale Day in the office this week (12/15) from 1:30 to 4pm. We’ll also start the service refund this week.  Please come to process your service refund if you completed your volunteer service. 賣禮券囉!! 禮券組將在12/15 下午一點半到四點在學校辦公室販售禮券,本週也開始義工服務退費,請完成義工服務及符合退費資格的家長前來退費。   
  2. Yearbook cover contest has started! The theme this year is to decorate our school emblem. Template can be downloaded here.  Students can color the template and add their own designs.  Final work must be turned in by 1/12/14 for judging. Good luck! 校刊封面設計比賽開始,今年的封面設計以校徽為主題,學生可以在模板上著色及加上自己的設計圖案。截止日期於1/12/14,設計模板可以在此下載

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****
San Diego Chinese Art & Cultural Society will be having their annual performance on Saturday, 1/18/14.  This performance has always sold out in the past, it’s definitely worth seeing.  You can purchase tickets from the office, $15 each. Please hurry before it’s too late.  See flyer for performance detail here. 一年一度的聖地牙哥國際音樂藝術節將在一月十八日星期六晚上7點舉行. 這個活動的票每一年都賣完,是一個不可錯過的活動.有興趣參加的人請到辦公室來買,每張票$15.活動詳情請看海報.
<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese children’s book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here.
今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week 12 第十二週

One Hour of Preparation for Each Minute of Presentation Time
台上一分鐘 台下十年功

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****

12/8/2013 Speech Contest 1
                  演講比賽 1
12/15/2013 Speech Contest 2
                  演講比賽 2
                  Student Store
                1:45pm Parents Share and Learn Club - Cosmeceutical Knowledge
    大朋友俱樂部 "美容保養知識分享交流會"

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. Congratulations to the winners of Chinese Character Writing Contest.  Works of first place winners will be displayed at the Chinese Art Exhibition at SDCCA Learning Center from 12/7/13 to 12/14/13.  Info for this exhibition is posted here. 恭喜今年班級寫字比賽得獎的同學,第一名學生的作品將送到北郡文教中心舉辦的"聖地牙哥漢字文化節書​畫篆刻展"參展。展覽即將在12月7日至12月14日舉行,詳情請看活動傳單

  1. This week is week one of our speech contest, contest itinerary is listed here.本週是第一場的演講比賽,有幼稚組、初級組、初小組、中級組、及高級組。比賽程序請看這裡
  2. Yearbook cover contest has started, the theme this year is to decorate our school emblem. Template can be downloaded here.  Students can color the template and add your own design.  Final work must be turned in by 1/12/14 for judging. Good luck! 校刊封面設計比賽開始,今年的封面設計以校徽為主題,學生可以在模板上著色及加上自己的設計圖案。截止日期於1/12/14,設計模板可以在此下載
  3. There is a teacher training session on 2/16/14 from 8 am to 5 pm at Chapman University, if you are interested in becoming a teacher at SDCA, please contact Vice Principal Law to register. 明年春季教學及行政人員研討會2/16/2014(星期日)上午8時至下午5時於Chapman University 舉行,有興趣加入中華學院教書行列的家長們,請與羅副校長聯絡。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****
  1. Chinese Speech Contest on 12/8 and 12/15. Parents, please be enthusiastic and supportive. Please help and work with your kiddo to prepare the speech.  The most important part of your child’s Chinese speech experience is not about winning or beat his/her friends, but rather that he/she develops the self confident to speak Chinese in public and at the same time polish the Chinese speaking skills. All the preparation and speech day event will help them to be successful later in life. 家長們請拿出您的熱情和鼓勵以協助孩子們準備這兩週的中文演講比賽。輸贏不是演講比賽的目的,整個準備過程和上台的經驗都會幫助孩子們未來的人生更成功。
  2. Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
  3. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) We will resume our Ninja Workout program this week. Tennis, badminton, baseball, cycling, hiking, and yoga will all take place at different locations. Please contact Jerry and come to the office at 1:40PM. 我們這禮拜健人就是腳勤活動將恢復繼續進行,網球、羽球、棒球、單車、健行、瑜珈都在不同地點展開。請與Jerry 聯絡,並在1:40PM至辦公室集合。
  4. Thanks for Supporting and Participating SDCA Cultural Day (Holiday Eat and Shop Event). What a great party we had on 11/24!! Here are some newspaper articles about the cultural day for your information.  謝謝您支持與參加11月24日的中華學苑文化節活動(假日美食),請參見相關的新聞報導和活動回顧。
           2013/11/25 聖地牙哥華文網
           2013/11/26 大紀元

<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese children’s book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here.
今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱