Speech Contest Builds Confidence
(issued on 2013/10/31)
***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
11/03/2013 Speech Contest Sign-up Starts
Picture Day
Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC), Continue
Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store, Continue (2nd Recess 3:30pm)
11/10/2013 Parents Seminar: SDCA Clinic - Family Health and Wellness
講座: 中華學苑保健室 - 家庭健康與養生之道
***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
- Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 AM on 11/3/13. Please remember to set your clock back one hour. 日光節約在11/3/13凌晨2:00結束, 請大家記得把時鐘轉回一小時。
- Class Picture Day is scheduled for this week (11/3). Please try not to be absent. Schedule posted here. 本週(11/3)要拍攝班級師生照,請家長盡量不要讓學生缺席, 時間表請看這裡.
- We are currently working on the school directory. Just a friendly reminder to all parents to please keep your family contact information current. You can sign in to the portal to update your information at any time! Use the same username and password that you use for online registration. Click here for portal sign in link. Or sign in instructions. Also if you need assistance entering Chinese names please contact us .我們即將要準備學校通訊錄資料,在此提醒家長們請更新您的聯絡方式。 如需更正,請用網上註冊時設定的使用者名稱與密碼登入到 portal (按此到 portal 的連結) 或是登入說明。如需中文輸入協助請聯繫我們 。
- Idioms and Frequently Used Phrases (成語及常用詞語) - see what they mean and share with your students.Beginners LevelIntermediate LevelAdvanced Level家家戶戶jiā jiā hù hù寒風刺骨hán fēng cì gǔ福如東海fú rú dōng hǎi火上加油huǒ shàng jiā yóu風和日麗fēng hé rì lì壽比南山shòu bǐ nán shān草草了事cǎo cǎo liǎo shì汗流浹背hàn liú jiā bèi綠樹成蔭lǜ shù chéng yīn有說有笑yǒu shuō yǒu xiào自以為是zì yǐ wéi shì長話短說cháng huà duǎn shuō
- Speech Contest Sign-up Begins: Please encourage your kids to sign up for the annual speech contest. It’s a great opportunity to help your children build up confidence and polish their Chinese. The contest is fun and everyone who joins the contest is a winner!! 演講比賽報名開始囉! 中文演講不但有趣, 也可以增加孩子的自信心。請給您的孩子一個上台磨練中文的機會吧!
***** Special Announcement 特別通知 *****SDCA teamed up with SDR. The school is teaming up with San Diego School of Rhythmic Gymnastics (SDR) to bring an enrichment program for young girls who are interested in gymnastics. This new program is offered at JCC La Jolla (the building south of us) on Sundays: 10:45 -11:45 for 6-9yrs olds and 11:45 -12:45 for 4-6 yrs olds (11/10-12/15)SDR will be at school with presentation at 3:20!! Please come and check it out! SDR is a 12 years old Rhythmic Gymnastics and Ballet program where every child is a star. It offers Beginners Classes and Competitive team training for 4-18 year old girls. Many of our gymnasts are National, Regional and State Champions and medalists. Rhythmic Gymnastics is the most beautiful Olympic sport combining gymnastics, ballet, and modern dance. Routines are choreographed to music and performed with colorful ribbons, balls, hoops, ropes and clubs. Please visit SDR website for more detailed information.中華學苑與聖地牙哥韻律體操學院(SDR)合作,將於每週日在JCC La Jolla提供新的韻律體操課程:10:45-11:45am 給六至九歲的女孩,11:45-12:45am 給四到六歲的女孩。本週日下午3:20pm SDR將於本校舉辦說明會,有興趣的家長千萬別錯過了!關於韻律術體操學院的詳細介紹請看SDR網站 。韻律體操結合體操、芭蕾、與現代舞蹈,是奧林匹克運動中最美麗的運動項目。SDR不僅提供初學者課程,也有體操隊伍的訓練。課程內容運用彩帶、球、圈、繩、棒,配合音樂律動。
***** Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏 *****- Please help us keep the campus running smoothly. All students must follow the student handbook: do not eat in the classroom, do not playing on the stairs, do not use the elevator, do not touch the clock or bells, do not play in the bushes, do not go to unsupervised areas. Starting this week, ground supervisors will send students caught breaking the rules to the principal’s office. Please see the student handbook here. 請家長與各位同學們幫忙愛護校園的一草一木,並請遵守學生守則: 不在教室內吃東西、不在樓梯上玩耍、不使用電梯、不亂觸摸校園擺設、不到矮木叢裡捉迷藏、不在有玻璃附近的地方打球、不到沒有大人的地方。本週起,若經口頭警告仍不守規矩的學生,巡邏義工將會把不守規矩的學生送到辦公室由校長通知家長處理。學生守則請看這裡。
- Starting this week, we will be giving a warning to cars parked in the pick up/drop off zone and keep record of the license plate number. If your car is seen a second time in the no parking area, it will be towed away. Please be responsible and keep our parking lot safe. 本週起,我們將對違規在接送區停車的車輛給予警告並記錄車牌號碼,若有兩次以上記錄,我們會請拖吊車來拖吊,請大家幫忙維持停車場的秩序與安全。
**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****- Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) In addition to the existing teams (hiking, yoga, baseball, badminton), we officially started a new tennis team this week. There are already 5 parents in this new team. Please contact Jerry if you are interested. 除了既有的各個TEAMS, 這週我們正式成立網球隊,目前已經有五位家長參與,有興趣的家長請與Jerry 聯絡。
- Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
- Fundraising and Group Purchase. This week, several volunteer parents will be doing a fundraising and group purchase activity during school time. Location is to be determined. Visit the office for info. Please come and enjoy the food and product demonstrations. You may also download the order form here. We thank our event sponsor, Heartland Society for making this possible. 團購募款活動: 這週開始, 為了幫學校募款,將有熱心家長義工們不定時不定點展示食品與推廣團購,有興趣家長們歡迎來辦公室看看。您也可以在這裡下載訂購表格. 我們感謝悅意心田贊祝此活動。
- Parents Seminar: SDCA Clinic - Family Health and Wellness SDCA will hold a parents seminar next Sunday (11/10). There will be 8 SDCA parents/doctors from different professions to help parents better understand and manage you and your family’s health. They will guide you on health wellness and discuss health facts and myths. You can ask them any health related questions during the seminar or privately. The seminar is free for SDCA parents. 11/10 學校將舉辦講座, 講題是: 中華學苑保健室 - 家庭健康與養生之道。學校邀請了八位各科的專業醫師家長,共同為您與家人的健康把關 教您養生之道並破除健康迷思,現場可以公開或私下向各醫師請益各種健康問題,SDCA家長免費參加,請大家告訴大家。
***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地 *****This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese Children’s Book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here.今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱。