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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week 21 第二十一週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

03/03/13 Scrip Sale //Service Fee refund 禮券銷售//服務退費
03/17/13, 03/24/13 詩詞朗誦比賽

Administration Office 教務組:

We have 125 students signed up for the Poetry Recitation Contest. You are all winners already! Be sure to practice, practice, and practice. Remember, only the participants who complete the recitation on stage will receive the medal (or trophy if you are ranked in your group). This Sunday, 3/3, we will be drawing sequence numbers for the contest. Students can come to the office during recesses to draw for himself/herself. If a student is absent, the teacher will draw for the student. Please click the following link to view contest guidelines. 我們有125名學生報名參加了詩詞朗誦比賽。你們已經是贏家了!一定要記得練習,練習,再練習。請記住,只有能在舞台上完成朗誦表演的人才能得獎牌(或獎杯)。這個星期日(3月3日),我們將會抽出比賽者的比賽序號。如果參賽學生缺席,老師會為學生代抽。請點擊以上鏈接瀏覽比賽規則。

The Poetry Recitation Contest will take place in 2 days詩詞朗誦比賽將舉行兩天:
  • 3/17 - 幼稚組(1A, 1B),初小組(2A, 2B),非華裔特別組(AB)
  • 3/24 - 初級組(3A, 3B),中級組(4A, 4B),高級組(5A, 5B)
Participant grouping information has been distributed to all teachers. If you are not sure which group your child is in, please check with his/her teacher, and make sure that your child is preparing the correct poems for his/her group. 參賽者分組已經通知所有老師。如果你不知道你的孩子在哪個組,請向他/她的老師詢問,並確認你的孩子是否準備正確的比賽詩詞。

Ground Supervision 校園巡邏

To receive service refund in the month of April: Remind parents who already served 5-week Ground Supervision to fill out the refund form at the parent lounge by second week of March to receive refund in the month of April. Thank you! 服務退款提醒:請已服務五週的校園巡邏家長在三月第二週前到家長休息室填寫退款申請單才可在4月份時領服務退費。 謝謝您!

PTA 家長會:

1. Our Chinese New Year Festival was a big success! Thank you to all our volunteers who helped to make this happen. Thanks to all the families that came to support this event. We hope you and your children had a wonderful time! We also had many visitors from the local communities attending our festival. It is our honor to serve the community and to serve you. Thank you for your support. 我們的中國新年遊園會非常成功!十分感謝所有的家長義工的幫助。更感謝所有來支持本次活動的家庭,我們希望您和您的孩子有一個快樂的時光!我們也有許多來自本地社區的遊客參加我們的遊園會,我們很榮幸能夠有機會為社區和為您服務。感謝您的支持。

2. We had posted some paper cutting templates on our website. You can download them and cut them with your kids at home. Have funs! 我們在網頁上張貼了一些中國剪紙圖樣,您可以點擊以上鏈接下載圖樣,和您的孩子一起來剪剪看!

3. Congratulation to all raffle winners – please stop by the Office to pick up your prize. 恭喜所有的抽獎活動得獎者 - 請到辦公室來拿你的獎品。

4. If you have taken pictures at the event and do not mind sharing, please put your photos on a disc and contact our Event Coordinator Michelle Mitchell at So she can upload to share. 如果您不介意分享活動中拍攝的照片,請把你的照片儲存在光碟上,並連絡新年活動組長陳玫秀,這樣她就可以把照片上傳到網站分享大家。

5. Special Thank You Note from 25th Anniversary Event Coordinator

Publications 出版組

1. Yearbook Cover Art Contest - Congratulations to Ethan Chen of 6A class for winning the contest. The second place is Emma Yu of 5A class, and the third place is April Hsu of 5B class. Their art works have been posted on our website. Please click following link to view winning art works. 年刊封面設計比賽得獎名單出爐了 – 恭喜六甲陳聖友得到第一名。第二名是五甲尤辰恩,第三位的是五乙許蓁瑜。他們的藝術作品已經在我們的網站上公佈。請點擊以上鏈接觀賞。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

1. The scrip team will be having their monthly scrip sale in the office from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm this Sunday (03/03/13). 禮卷組這個星期日下午1:30到4:00 在學校辦公室販售禮卷。

2. Please remember to pick up your service fee refund ($60) this Sunday if you had fulfilled your duty of this year. 如果您已經完成您今年的工作, 請記得來辦公室領取你的服務退費 ($60)。

Community Corner 社區園地

1. “2013 North American Youth Bicycle Tourism to Taiwan” invites Chinese-American youth (aged 18 to 40 years old. Students are the priority; under the age of 20 need parental consent) to tour Taiwan this summer. Interested parties please contact the Orange County Chinese Cultural Services Center 714-754-9999 before 03/31/2013. Click following links to print registration form.「2013年北美華裔青年臺灣自行車旅遊邀訪團」邀請有意華裔青年今年夏天一起旅遊台灣。報名參加資格為18至40歲(以在學學生為優先;未滿20歲者需家長同意)。有意參加者請於2013年3月31日前逕洽橙縣華僑文教服務中心714-754-9999。請點擊以上鏈接列印報名表格。

2. Year 2013 SCCCS Chinese Culture Summer Camp at Big Bear Lake is accepting application right now. This year the Camp date is from 6/29-7/6. This is a very popular summer camp and fills up fast. Interested parents please click following link 南加州中文學校聯合會2013 年中國文化青少年夏令營開始接受報名。今年的夏令營日期從6/29 - 7/6。這是一個非常受歡迎的夏令營,名額有限,有興趣的家長請點擊以上鏈接。

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 20 第二十週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

02/24/13 Chinese New Year Festival/SDCA 25th Anniversary Celebration 中國新年園遊會暨SDCA 二十五週年慶

Administration Office 教務組:
1. Chinese New Year Festival/25th Anniversary Celebration is this coming Sunday (02/24/2013) from 1:45-4:15pm. Amphitheater seating chart has been posted on our website. Please click following link to view your class seating 中國新年園遊會暨SDCA 二十五週年慶將在本星期日(2月24日)下午1:45 - 4:15舉行。劇場座位表已經公佈在我們的網站上。請點擊以上鏈接查看您的班級座位。

2. “2013 Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program in Taiwan” has started application process on 02/01. It plans to recruit overseas Chinese youth (aged 17 to 27-year-old) to participate in volunteer English teaching in Taiwan this summer. Application deadline is 02/28. Interested students please click following link 2013年海外華裔青年英語服務營2月1日開始報名, 預計招募海外年滿17歲至27歲的華裔青年到台灣參加志願英語教學,該活動報名截止時間2月28日,有興趣學生請點擊以上鏈接。

Ground Supervision 校園巡邏

1. To ensure everyone has a great fun time, please look out and keep your own children to your side the whole time. 請所有家長在孩子玩遊戲還是吃東西時,看顧自己的孩子,以確保安全。
2. Still like to remind everyone to respect all parking lot rules. There’s absolutely NO PARKING at white, yellow, blue, and red zone!! Please find a parking space to park your car. There are street parking available by the fire station at the backside of the campus. 再次提醒所有家長要遵守交通及停車規則。 絕對不可停在白,黃,藍,或紅線區。 請把車停在停車位上。 學校後面靠近消防隊的路邊也可停車。

PTA 家長會:

Chinese New Year Festival & 25th Anniversary 中國新年節暨中華學苑25週年慶:

1. Our Chinese New Year Festival & SDCA 25th Anniversary Celebration will be on this Sunday (from 1:45pm – 4:15pm). We have arranged several performances, delicious food and game booths for our students and family. Please bring your friends or neighbors to join us to celebrate the Year of Snake. 本年度的中國新年園遊會暨中華學苑二十五週年慶將在本星期日下午 1:45到 4:15舉行,我們安排了精彩的舞獅和班級表演,美味的食物以及好玩的遊戲給大家同樂,讓您感受濃濃的過年氣氛,請記得邀請您的親朋好友和鄰居一起來共賀蛇年新春佳節!

2. Festival ticket (food/drink/game/goods) is $1/each (red color ticket). 園遊會票券(食物/飲料/遊戲/商品)每張 $1 (紅色票)。

3. BOD and PTA have decided to add food booths to provide traditional Chinese food for our Festival. So far, we will have food booths for “Boba milk tea, Jumba Juice, sticky rice, green bean cakes, mochi, Chinese fried noodles, tea-leaves eggs ...... “. Parents, it is time to buy more tickets for the Festival. 理事會和家長會決定增加食物攤位來提供大家傳統美食。目前我們確定將會有波覇奶茶, Jamba Juice, 油飯,綠豆椪,麻糬,中式炒麵, 茶葉蛋...... 。家長們,現在是該購買更多的園遊會票的時候了。

4. If you volunteer for Chinese New Year Festival preparation, please arrive at 12:00. We appreciate your help! Please park at the backside of our campus. 如果您是新年園遊會活動的籌備義工,請於12:00到達。我們非常感謝您的幫助!請把您的車開到學校後門的停車場停車。
Publications 出版組

1. Yearbook Cover Art Contest - Congratulations to Ethan Chen of 6A class for winning the contest. The second place is Emma Yu of 5A class, and the third place is April Hsu of 5B class. Their art works have been posted on our website. Please click following link to view winning art works. 年刊封面設計比賽得獎名單出爐了 – 恭喜六甲陳聖友得到第一名。第二名是五甲尤辰恩,第三位的是五乙許蓁瑜。他們的藝術作品已經在我們的網站上公佈。請點擊以上鏈接觀賞。