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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Holiday 佳節愉快


Important Dates 重要活動日期:

12/23-12/30/2012 Winter Break 寒假
01/06/2013 Back to school 學校恢復上課
01/06/2013 PTA Meeting & Room Parent Meeting (Chinese New Year & 25th Anniversary Celebration preparation meeting) 家長大會和班代表大會( 中國新年和二十五週年慶籌備會議)
01/13/2013 Class Storytelling Contest 班級說故事比賽
01/13/2013 Yearbook Cover Design Contest deadline 年刊封面設計比賽截止  
01/13/2013 Scrip Sale Day (revised) 禮券銷售日(最新修正)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Week 14 第十四週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

12/16/12 1st Semester Final Exam 上學期期末考
12/16/12 Student Store Day 學生商店日
12/23-12/30/12 Winter Break 寒假
01/06/2013 Back to school//PTA Meeting & Room Parent Meeting 學校恢復上課//家長大會和班代表大會
01/13/2013 Class Storytelling Contest 班級說故事比賽
01/13/2013 Yearbook Cover Design Contest deadline 年刊封面設計比賽截止

Administration Office 教務組:

1. Congratulations to the winners of Speech Contest. Our judges were very impressed by the performance of all contestants. Please click following link for news clip and photos.恭喜本次演講比賽的所有得獎者。我們的裁判對本次參賽者的表現非常滿意。請點擊以上鏈接瀏覽新聞剪輯和照片。

2. First semester Parent Survey form is available at our website now. Please let us know how we are doing this semester and what can be improved in the future. Please print out the form and return it to the Office on 12/16. We appreciate your opinions. Thank you. 上學期家長意見調查表現在可以在我們的網站上下載。請讓我們知道我們這學期做得如何,和未來有什麼地方可以改進的。請把調查表列印出來,並在12/16當天交到辦公室。我們感謝您的意見。謝謝。

PTA 家長會:

1. We will have Student Store Day this Sunday. This is the time our kids exchange their hard-earned coupons for gifts they like. Please click following link for schedule. 12月16日將舉辦學生商店活動,此項活動是我們的學生將他們努力讀書獲得的獎券換取他們喜歡的禮物的時候。請點擊以上鏈接查詢各班活動時間。

2. Please consider donating to our school by the end of year. Our fundraising efforts are for a better education for our children. SDCA is a non-profit organization, and all donations to SDCA are tax deductible. Many companies also have one-to-one matching program or community charity. Please consult your HR department about how to help SDCA fund raising efforts. Thank you for your help! 請考慮在年底前捐款給 SDCA。我們的募款活動是要為我們的孩子提供更好的教育。 SDCA是一個非營利組織,所有捐款均可抵稅。許多公司也有一對一配套的捐款方案或社區慈善計畫,請諮詢您的人力資源管理部門如何幫助 SDCA的募款活動。感謝您的幫助。


If you are looking for activities to keep your little ones occupied during the break, why not encourage them to work on the SDCA Yearbook Cover Art Contest project. This year is a special 25th Year Anniversary for SDCA. Cover art contest is a great activity to provide a channel for our students to show their artistic interests and talents. All entries will be included in the Yearbook, along with student name and class number. Additionally, all participants will receive a surprise reward at the end of the school year. So if you participate, you are a winner! Please click following links for guideline or Entries must be received by 01/13/2013. We are looking forward to be inspired by your children’s creations! 如果您想讓孩子在寒假不上課期間有活動做,請鼓勵他們來參加”中華學苑年刊封面設計比賽”。今年是特別的中華學苑25週年慶。封面設計比賽是一個讓學生可以展示自己的藝術興趣和才能的比賽。所有參賽的作品和學生姓名及班級,都將會刊登在年刊上。此外,在學年結束前,所有參賽者都將獲得一份驚喜禮物。所以有參加就是贏家!請點擊以上鏈接瀏覽比賽規則。參賽作品必須在2013年1月13日前交出。我們期望看到您的孩子們的作品!