Important Dates 重要活動日期:
11/04/12 Picture Day//Daylight Saving time ends 班級照相日//日光節約時間結束
11/04/12 Room Parent Meeting //PTA Meeting 家長大會//班代表大會
11/11/12 SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest deadline 中華學苑25週年紀念校徽設計比賽截止日
11/18/12 Holiday Eat and Shop Event 假日美食購物活動
Administration Office 教務組:
1. 11/04 is Picture Day. We will be taking class photos which will be used in school Yearbook. Please try not to be absent on that day. 11/4 要照班級團體照,請學生們當天盡量不要請假。
2. Parents please refrain from going in and out of the classrooms or talking to the teacher while classes are in session, as this disrupts class tempo and distracts students from learning. If you like to stay in the classroom please get teacher approval first. Some students do not participate fully while parents are watching. If you need to stay in the classroom, please refrain from participating in teacher / student conversations or answering teacher questions for your child. The students not only need to learn knowledge, but also how to communicate effectively with others. Please give them that opportunity. Parents are welcomed to utilize our Parent Lounge during class hours to relax and socialize. Thanks for your understanding. 請家長在上課時不要進入或離開教室或跟老師談話,因為這會破壞課堂的教學和分散學生的學習注意力。如果你想留在教室裡,請先由老師批准。有些學生會因為家長的出現而無法充分參與。如果你需要留在教室裡,請盡量不要加入教師/學生談話,或幫孩子回答老師的問題。學生們不僅需要學習知識,還要學習如何有效地與他人溝通,請給他們這樣的機會。歡迎家長們到我們的家長休息室來輕鬆一下和其他家長聊天。謝謝您的諒解。
PTA 家長會
1. Our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link . If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.
2. We will have a PTA meeting/Room Parents Meeting at 2:00pm on 11/04 in Multi-Purpose Room (Community Hall). PTA will discuss the upcoming Holiday Eat & Shop Event (Week 11) preparation. Please make sure at least one representative of your class attends the meeting. 班代表大會將于11月4日下午2點在多功能教室舉行。家長會將要討論假日美食活動 (第十一週) 的準備事宜。請各班至少派一名代表參加。
3. Holiday Eat and Shop Event will take place on 11/18/12. PTA will start accepting gift donations for the raffle and auction. Our school is a non-profit organization so your donation is tax deductible. It is time to clean your closet and bring in those unused gifts that you have been storing for years, and put them in good use! Please help us pass the news. You can drop off the gifts with Parent Lounge Duty Volunteer. Thank you for your help! 假日美食購物活動將於2012年11月18日舉行。PTA現在開始接受抽獎和拍賣活動物品的捐贈。我們的學校是一個非營利組織,您的捐贈可以抵稅。現在是清理你的儲藏室,把那些未使用過的禮物, 捐出來做更好的用途!請把這個消息大家告訴大家。您可以把禮物交給家長休息室值勤義工。感謝您的幫助!
Publishing 出版組
1. To celebrate SDCA’s 25th anniversary, we will be printing some special anniversary gift items to give to students and guests. The items to be ordered will be draw strings bags and thermos. We are having a SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest to choose the winning logo that will be printed on these special gift items. The design guidelines and detail information for this contest is posted at our website . Please encourage your children to utilize their creativity and enter this contest. 為了慶祝SDCA的25週年紀念,我們將送一些紀念品給學生和來賓。紀念品是拉線背袋和熱水瓶。我們現在要舉行25週年紀念校徽設計比賽,得獎的設計將印在這些紀念品上。設計的規則和比賽細節已經張貼在學校網站,請點擊以上鏈接。請鼓勵你的孩子使用他們的創作力來參加這個比賽。
2. Student Directory will be published in November. Each SDCA family and teaching/admin. staffs will receive a copy. Advertising spaces are available in the Student Directory. Please click following link for a flyer Seize this opportunity to advertise your business and support SDCA! Interested parties please contact Yenni Liang at 學生目錄將於11月出版。中華學苑的每個家庭和每位教務人員都將收到一份目錄。學生目錄裏的廣告開始接受刊登申請,請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單。抓住這個機會刊登您的廣告,並支持中華學苑!有興趣的朋友請聯繫出版總編梁莉萍。
Community Corner 社區園地
1. On 12/01/12, Taiwan Center will have a FREE tax seminar for incoming tax return preparation. All SDCA families are welcomed to join. Please click following link for details. 在12年12月1日,台灣中心將有一個免費的稅務研討會。所有的SDCA家庭都歡迎參加。請點擊以上的鏈接列印傳單。
2. From 11/02-11/04, UCSD is having a Taiwan File Showcase. It is a good way for students/friends to learn the culture, language and life style of Taiwan. All films are FREE. Please click following link for the flyer 從11/02-11/04,UCSD將舉辦一個台灣電影展。這是讓我們的學生/朋友了解台灣的文化,語言和生活方式的一個機會。所有電影都是免費的。請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單。
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Week 7 第七週
Important Dates 重要活動日期:
10/21/12 1st semester mid-term exam 上學期期中考
10/21/12 Fundraising - Jamba Juice Sale 3:15-4:30pm Jamba Juice 募款銷售活動 3:15-4:30pm
11/04/12 Picture Day/Daylight Savings time end - don’t forget to turn back your clock one hour 班級照相日/ 日光節約時間結束,時鐘要撥慢一個小時
Administration Office 教務組:
1. This Week, 10/21, has first semester mid-term exam. Parents please remind your child to prepare for the exam. 這週(10/21)有上學期的期中考,請家長們要督促孩子們溫習功課。
2. Congratulations to student Eric Hsieh who received honor scholarship from Los Angeles Woman Association.恭喜本校謝長澄同學榮獲洛杉磯婦女聯合會提供的獎學金。
3. 11/04 is Picture Day. We will be taking class photos which will be used in school Yearbook. Please try not to be absent on that day. 11/4 要照班級團體照,請學生們當天盡量不要請假。
Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏
1. Curbside Drop-off and Pick-up ONLY: 學生上下車接送區
Please park your car at the parking area only. Curbside is for loading and unloading only, not for arking. Please do not leave the car unattended. NO EXCEPTION. 請把車停在停車格上。黃線和白線區是接送學生上下車區,不可停車。 請駕駛人不要離開車。沒有例外。
2. School Safety 校園安全:
Please remind your children do not to play near or at parking lot at any time. 請提醒您的子弟不要在停車場附近玩耍。
PTA 家長會
1. Due to big enrollment increase this year, our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link: . If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 由於今年的註冊人數大增, 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.
2. We will have a fundraising activity of Jamba Juice Sale at the Teacher’s Office from 3:15-4:30pm this Sunday. Please stop by and support our fundraising efforts. Thank you! 這個星期天下午從3:15-4:30在老師辦公室,我們將有一個Jamba Juice的銷售募款活動。請支持我們學校的募款活動。謝謝!
Publishing 出版組
To celebrate SDCA’s 25th anniversary, we will be printing some special anniversary gift items to give to students and guests. The items to be ordered will be draw strings bags and thermos. We are having a SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest to choose the winning logo that will be printed on these special gift items. The design guidelines and detail information for this contest is posted at our website . Please encourage your children to utilize their creativity and enter this contest. 為了慶祝SDCA的25週年紀念,我們將送一些紀念品給學生和來賓。紀念品是拉線背袋和熱水瓶。我們現在要舉行25週年紀念校徽設計比賽,得獎的設計將印在這些紀念品上。設計的規則和比賽細節已經張貼在學校網站,請點擊以上鏈接。請鼓勵你的孩子使用他們的創作力來參加這個比賽。
Community Corner 社區園地
On 12/01/12, Taiwan Center will have a FREE tax seminar for incoming tax return preparation. Everyone is welcomed to join. Please click following link for details. [Free Tax Seminar] 在12年12月1日,台灣中心將有一個免費的稅務研討會。歡迎參加。請點擊以上的鏈接列印傳單。
10/21/12 1st semester mid-term exam 上學期期中考
10/21/12 Fundraising - Jamba Juice Sale 3:15-4:30pm Jamba Juice 募款銷售活動 3:15-4:30pm
11/04/12 Picture Day/Daylight Savings time end - don’t forget to turn back your clock one hour 班級照相日/ 日光節約時間結束,時鐘要撥慢一個小時
Administration Office 教務組:
1. This Week, 10/21, has first semester mid-term exam. Parents please remind your child to prepare for the exam. 這週(10/21)有上學期的期中考,請家長們要督促孩子們溫習功課。
2. Congratulations to student Eric Hsieh who received honor scholarship from Los Angeles Woman Association.恭喜本校謝長澄同學榮獲洛杉磯婦女聯合會提供的獎學金。
3. 11/04 is Picture Day. We will be taking class photos which will be used in school Yearbook. Please try not to be absent on that day. 11/4 要照班級團體照,請學生們當天盡量不要請假。
Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏
1. Curbside Drop-off and Pick-up ONLY: 學生上下車接送區
Please park your car at the parking area only. Curbside is for loading and unloading only, not for arking. Please do not leave the car unattended. NO EXCEPTION. 請把車停在停車格上。黃線和白線區是接送學生上下車區,不可停車。 請駕駛人不要離開車。沒有例外。
2. School Safety 校園安全:
Please remind your children do not to play near or at parking lot at any time. 請提醒您的子弟不要在停車場附近玩耍。
PTA 家長會
1. Due to big enrollment increase this year, our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link: . If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 由於今年的註冊人數大增, 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.
2. We will have a fundraising activity of Jamba Juice Sale at the Teacher’s Office from 3:15-4:30pm this Sunday. Please stop by and support our fundraising efforts. Thank you! 這個星期天下午從3:15-4:30在老師辦公室,我們將有一個Jamba Juice的銷售募款活動。請支持我們學校的募款活動。謝謝!
Publishing 出版組
To celebrate SDCA’s 25th anniversary, we will be printing some special anniversary gift items to give to students and guests. The items to be ordered will be draw strings bags and thermos. We are having a SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest to choose the winning logo that will be printed on these special gift items. The design guidelines and detail information for this contest is posted at our website . Please encourage your children to utilize their creativity and enter this contest. 為了慶祝SDCA的25週年紀念,我們將送一些紀念品給學生和來賓。紀念品是拉線背袋和熱水瓶。我們現在要舉行25週年紀念校徽設計比賽,得獎的設計將印在這些紀念品上。設計的規則和比賽細節已經張貼在學校網站,請點擊以上鏈接。請鼓勵你的孩子使用他們的創作力來參加這個比賽。
Community Corner 社區園地
On 12/01/12, Taiwan Center will have a FREE tax seminar for incoming tax return preparation. Everyone is welcomed to join. Please click following link for details. [Free Tax Seminar] 在12年12月1日,台灣中心將有一個免費的稅務研討會。歡迎參加。請點擊以上的鏈接列印傳單。
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Week 6 第六週
Important Dates 重要活動日期:
10/14/2012 Scrip Sales Day禮券銷售日
11/04/2012 Picture Day 班級照相日
Administration Office 教務組:
1. Next Week, 10/21, has first semester mid-term exam. Parents please remind your child to prepare for the exam. 下週(10/21)有上學期的期中考,請家長們要督促孩子們溫習功課。
2. We received a complaint from La Jolla Country Day School. Our students repeatedly damaged project work in a classroom. Parents, please remind your child the importance of respecting other people’s work. 我們收到LJCDS的投訴。我們的學生多次損壞某一間教室內學生的作業設計。家長們,請提醒您的孩子尊重其他人的工作的重要性。
To prevent this from happening again, we are enforcing the following rules. 為了避免這種情況再次發生,我們將加強實施以下規則:
- Do not enter the classroom before the teacher does. 老師未進教室之前不可進入教室。
- Students shall not stay in the classroom during recess. Instead, students are encouraged to relax, and play in the playground. 學生下課時不得滯留在教室。鼓勵學生休息時間應到操場上做適當室外活動。
3. We had a successful Flag Raising Ceremony last Sunday. BIG thank you to all parents, volunteers and TAs to make this happened. Following link is a local news clip for this event 12/10/8/n3701236.htm 上星期日我們舉行了一個成功的升旗典禮。感謝所有的家長,義工人員和助教們的全力幫忙,我們才能圓滿完成。以上鏈接是本地報紙的相關報導。
4. Our Library has abundant books and teaching materials available for your children. Thanks to the hard works of our librarian and TA in the past several weeks, we now have updated and posted our new library catalog list on our website. Click following link for our catalog. . Please stop by the library to check them out. 我們的圖書館擁有豐富的書籍和教材給您的孩子使用。感謝圖書館長陳玉鳳 和助教陳子軒在過去幾個星期的努力,我們現在把最新的圖書館目錄公告在網站上。有興趣的家長請點擊以上鏈接。請找時間到圖書館來查看書籍。
Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏
1. Curbside Drop-off and Pick-up ONLY 學生上下車接送區
Please park your car at the parking area only. Curbside is for loading and unloading only, not for parking. Please do not leave the car unattended. NO EXCEPTION. 請把車停在停車格上。黃線和白線區是接送學生上下車區,不可停車。 請駕駛人不要離開車。沒有例外。
2. School Safety 校園安全
Please remind your children do not to play near or at parking lot at any time. 請提醒您的子弟不在停車場或附近玩耍。
PTA 家長會
1. Due to big enrollment increase this year, our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link: . If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 由於今年的註冊人數大增, 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.
2. Hello, parents! SDCA is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All our fundraising efforts are for a better education environment of our children. Please consider donating to our school. Cash donation is welcomed and your donation is tax deductible. We can provide you receipts as requested. If your employer has a donation matching program, please consider it to help our school. Please contact Board of Directors or PTA if you have any questions. Your support is very important to us. Thank you. 您 好,家長們!SDCA是一個合法的501(c)(3)非營利性組織。我們所有的募款努力,都是了提供我們的孩子更好的教育環境。請考慮捐款支持我們的學校。我們歡迎現金 捐款, 而且您的捐款是可以抵稅的。我們可以提供收據給你。如果您的雇主有捐贈配套方案,請考慮用它來幫助我們的學校。如果您有任何疑問,請聯繫理事會或家長會。您的支持是對我們非常重要。謝謝。
Publishing 出版組
To celebrate SDCA’s 25th anniversary, we will be printing some special anniversary gift items to give to students and guests. The items to be ordered will be draw strings bags and thermos. We are having a SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest to choose the winning logo that will be printed on these special gift items. The design guidelines and detail information for this contest is posted at our website . Please encourage your children to utilize their creativity and enter this contest. 為了慶祝SDCA的25週年紀念,我們將送一些紀念品給學生和來賓。紀念品是拉線背袋和熱水瓶。我們現在要舉行25週年紀念校徽設計比賽,得獎的設計將印在這些紀念品上。設計的規則和比賽細節已經張貼在學校網站,請點擊以上鏈接。請鼓勵你的孩子使用他們的創作力來參加這個比賽。
Scrip Sales 禮券組
This Sunday (10/14/2012) scrip sales will be at teachers’ office from 1:30pm to 4:00 pm. Scrip sales is an easy way for you to help our school’s fundraising. Please come visit us at the table and purchase your gift cards for the new school year. 本週日(10/14) 下午1:30-4:00 禮券銷售將在老師辦公室進行。禮券銷售是一個簡單又可以幫助我們學校募款的方法。請您找時間前來辦公室購買您新學年的禮券。
Fund Raising,
School Photos,
Script sales,
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Week 5 第五週
Important Dates 重要活動日期:
10/07/2012 PTA Meeting//Room Parent Meeting//Flag Ceremony Day (School starts at 1pm) 家長大會//班代表大會//升旗典禮 (當日1點鐘上課)
Administration Office 教務組:
1. We received a complaint from La Jolla Country Day School. Our students repeatedly damaged project work in a classroom. Parents, please remind your child(ren) the importance of respecting other people’s work. 我們收到LJCDS的投訴。我們的學生多次損壞某一間教室內學生的作業設計。家長們,請提醒您的孩子(們)尊重其他人的工作的重要性。
To prevent this from happening again, we are enforcing the following rules 為了避免這種情況再次發生,我們將加強實施以下規則:
- Do not enter the classroom before the teacher does. 老師未進教室之前不可進入教室。
- Students shall not stay in the classroom during recess. Instead, students are encouraged to relax, and play in the playground. 學生下課時不得滯留在教室。鼓勵學生休息時間應到操場上做適當室外活動。
2. We will have Year 2012 Double-Ten Flag Ceremony on 10/07. School starts at 1pm that day. Parents please bring your child(ren) to the classrooms at 1:00pm on time, your teacher will give each student a school logo T-shirt. 在10/07當天, 我們將有2012年雙十升旗典禮。學校上課提早於下午1點開始。請家長帶你的孩子(們)在下午1:00以前抵達教室,老師會給每個學生一件學校的制服T-shirt。
This week’s class schedule is as following本週上課的時間表如下:
- 01:00PM – 02:30PM Flag Raising Ceremony & whole school photo升旗典禮和全校合照
- 02:30PM – 03:10PM class in session (40mins)第一堂課上課
- 03:10PM – 03:20PM recess (10mins)休息時間
- 03:20PM – 04:00PM class in session (40mins)第二堂課上課
- 04:00PM school ends for regular classes普通班放學
- 04:00PM – 04:10PM recess (10mins) --- credit classes學分班休息時間
- 04:10PN – 05:00PM class in session (40mins) --- credit classes 學分班第三堂上課
- 05:00PM school ends for credit classes學分班放學
3. The Flag Raising Ceremony will take place at the outdoor Amphitheater. Parents are welcome to participate. Please prepare sunscreen, water, and hat for your child(ren). 升旗典禮將在露天劇場舉行,歡迎家長參加。 請為貴子弟擦防晒油及準備帽子和水。
4. There will be local news reporters on site to take photos during the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, we will take a group photo of all SDCA students and teachers to commemorate our school’s 25th anniversary. If you do not wish for your child(ren)’s images to be photographed, please contact PTA at sdcapta@gmail.com在升旗典禮儀式上,將會有本地記者在現場採訪拍照。在儀式結束後,我們將拍一組SDCA的全校師生照作為我們學校的25週年紀念照。如果您不希望您的孩子(們)被拍照或放到媒體上,請盡快聯繫PTA。
5. After the ceremony, school will provide ice cream and chips for students. If you do not wish for your child(ren) to eat theses food, please provide advance notice to your teacher. 典禮結束後,學校會提供冰淇淋和薯片給參加人員。如果你不希望你的孩子(們)吃這些食物,請提前通知你的老師。
6. Our Library has abundant books and teaching materials available for your children. Thanks to the hard works of our librarian and TA in the past several weeks, we now have updated and posted our new library catalog list on our website. Click following link for our catalog. . Please stop by the library to check them out. 我們的圖書館擁有豐富的書籍和教材給您的孩子使用。感謝圖書館長陳玉鳳 和助教陳子軒在過去幾個星期的努力,我們現在把最新的圖書館目錄公告在網站上。有興趣的家長請點擊以上鏈接。請找時間到圖書館來查看書籍。
PTA 家長會
1. Due to big enrollment increase this year, our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link: . If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 由於今年的註冊人數大增, 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.
2. PTA Meeting will be on 10/07 (Week 5) at 3:00pm in Multi-Purpose Room (Community Hall). Board of Directors and PTA will discuss Year2012 school-wide activities and events. Room Parents Meeting will be hold after PTA Meeting. Please make sure at least one representative of your class attends the meetings.家長大會將于10月7日(第五周)下午3:00在多功能教室(Community Hall)舉行。理事會和家長會將會討論2012年度全校性活動的安排和重要事項。班代表會議將接著家長大會後舉行。請各班至少派一名代表參加。
3. Hello, parents! SDCA is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All our fundraising efforts are for a better education environment of our children. Please consider donating to our school. Cash donation is welcomed and your donation is tax deductible. We can provide you receipts as requested. If your employer has a donation matching program, please consider it to help our school. Please contact Board of Directors or PTA if you have any questions. Your support is very important to us. Thank you. 您 好,家長們!SDCA是一個合法的501(c)(3)非營利性組織。我們所有的募款努力,都是了提供我們的孩子更好的教育環境。請考慮捐款支持我們的學校。我們歡迎現金 捐款, 而且您的捐款是可以抵稅的。我們可以提供收據給你。如果您的雇主有捐贈配套方案,請考慮用它來幫助我們的學校。如果您有任何疑問,請聯繫理事會或家長會。您的支持是對我們非常重要。謝謝。
Publishing 出版組
To celebrate SDCA’s 25th anniversary, we will be printing some special anniversary gift items to give to students and guests. The items to be ordered will be draw strings bags and thermos. We are having a SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest to choose the winning logo that will be printed on these special gift items. The design guidelines and detail information for this contest is posted at our website . Please encourage your children to utilize their creativity and enter this contest. 為了慶祝SDCA的25週年紀念,我們將送一些紀念品給學生和來賓。紀念品是拉線背袋和熱水瓶。我們現在要舉行25週年紀念校徽設計比賽,得獎的設計將印在這些紀念品上。設計的規則和比賽細節已經張貼在學校網站,請點擊以上鏈接。請鼓勵你的孩子使用他們的創作力來參加這個比賽。
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