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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 4 第四週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

09/28/2012 Teacher’s Day (Confucius Day) 教師節
10/07/2012 PTA Meeting//Room Parent Meeting//Flag Ceremony Day (School starts at 1pm) 家長大會//班代表大會//升旗典禮 (當日1點鐘上課)

Administration Office 教務組:

1. Teacher Assistants Needed - we are looking for responsible 9th - 12th graders who are willing to volunteer 3 1/2 hours on Sunday afternoons. Chinese speaking applicants are preferred. Interested students please contact Vice-principal Susanna He at Click following link to download a form . 徵求助教 - 我們正在徵求9-12年級有意願擔任助教的學生,服務時間是星期日下午三個小時半,會中文者優先考慮。有興趣的同學請聯絡副校長何娜。請點擊以上鏈接下載申請表格。

2. We will have Year 2012 Double-Ten Flag Ceremony on 10/07. School starts at 1pm that day. Flag Raising Ceremony will be held at Amphitheater at 1:30pm. Parents are welcome. All students are required to wear school t-shirt and attend the ceremony. School t-shirts will be distributed to students before the ceremony by their teachers. Snacks and drinks will be provided on site. If your child has any food allergy concerns, we recommend that you stay with your child until classes are back in session, because our parent volunteers will not be able to check each student for allergy concerns. Please click following link for a flyer . 我們學校將於10/7舉行2012年雙十升旗典禮。當天學校在下午1點提早上課。升旗典禮將於下午1:30 在露天劇場舉行,歡迎家長參加。所有學生都必須穿學校T-shirt出席儀式。老師在當天典禮前將會把T-shirt分發給學生。現場將提供點心和飲料。如果您的孩子有任何的食物過敏問題,我們建議你留在孩子身邊,直到他們回到教室上課,因為我們的義工人員無法檢查每個學生的過敏問題。請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單。

Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏

1. Important reminder for parking lot traffic停車場使用的重要提醒:
  • Please park your cars at the parking area only. Yellow and white zone by the curve side are for loading and unloading only, not for parking. Please do not leave the car unattended. NO EXCEPTION. 請把車停在停車格上。黃線和白線區是接送學生上下車區,不可停車。 請駕駛人不要離開車。沒有例外
  • Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot. 請留意在停車場的駕駛速度。
  • Additional parking lot available at the rear of the school. 學校後側也有停車場可停車。
2. School Safety 校園安全
  • Please remind your children to respect all school property and rules 請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則。 
  • Do not play or use elevator. Elevator is for teacher use only. 請勿使用或玩電梯。只有老師可使用電梯。
PTA 家長會

1. Parents, this week we celebrate Teacher’s Day (Confucius Day) in China and some Asian countries. Please let your teachers know that you appreciate their services and hard work. You may bring a fruit or a flower or even a card for your teacher! 家長們,這個星期在中國和一些亞洲國家, 我們會慶祝教師節(孔子誕辰紀念日)。請讓你的老師知道你感謝他們的服務和辛勤工作。您也可以帶一個水果,花或一張卡片給他們一個驚喜。

2. Due to big enrollment increase this year, our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link: If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 由於今年的註冊人數大增, 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.

3. PTA Meeting will be on 10/07 (Week 5) at 3:00pm in Multi-Purpose Room (Community Hall). Board of Directors and PTA will discuss Year2012 school-wide activities and events. Room Parents Meeting will be hold after PTA Meeting. Please make sure at least one representative of your class attends the meetings.
家長大會將于10月7日(第五周)下午3:00在多功能教室(Community Hall)舉行。理事會和家長會將會討論2012年度全校性活動的安排和重要事項。班代表會議將接著家長大會後舉行。請各班至少派一名代表參加。

4. On 10/7 (Week 5), all credit class students will have to attend the Double-Ten Celebration in Poway Performing Art Center after classes are over. PTA and volunteer mom Judy Tsui have arranged to have bento service delivered to school at around 4:30pm that day for your convenience. Please contact your Room moms if you are interested in this service. The pork chop bento is $8 /per box. For other parents who are interested in ordering, please go to the office this week and place your order with the office volunteer. 在10/7(第5週),所有學分班學生下課後必須參加在Poway藝術中心的雙十慶典晚會。為了您的方便,PTA及義工媽媽黃嘉菱安排有便當服務,便當會在當天下午4:30送到學校。如果你有興趣訂購,請和你的班代表聯絡。豬排便當每個8元。其他有興趣訂購的家長,請到辦公室向值勤義工訂購。

5. Hello, parents! SDCA is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All our fund raising efforts are for a better education environment of our children. Please consider donating to our school. Cash donation is welcomed and your donation is tax deductible. We can provide you receipts as requested. If your employer has a donation matching program, please consider it to help our school. Please contact Board of Directors or PTA if you have any questions. Your support is very important to us. Thank you. 您 好,家長們!SDCA是一個合法的501(c)(3)非營利性組織。我們所有的募款努力,都是了提供我們的孩子更好的教育環境。請考慮捐款支持我們的學校。我們歡迎現金 捐款, 而且您的捐款是可以抵稅的。我們可以提供收據給你。如果您的雇主有捐贈配套方案,請考慮用它來幫助我們的學校。如果您有任何疑問,請聯繫理事會或家長會。您的支持是對我們非常重要。謝謝。

Community Corner 社區園地

San Diego region celebrates the 101 years of the Republic of China (Taiwan): National Cultural Delegation will present a variety of programs on 10/07/2012 Sunday 6:30 PM at Poway Center of Performing Arts for the San Diego region compatriots. Tickets: $15/person, $10/student. Please stop by the office to purchase tickets from the office volunteer. Click following link for more information 聖地牙哥地區慶祝中華民國建國101年活動系列: 國慶文化訪問團將於10/07/2012星期日下午6:30於 Poway藝術中心為聖地牙哥地區僑胞獻上豐富多彩的節目。票價: 每票十五元, 學生票十元。 有興趣的家長請到辦公室向值勤義工購買。節目海報請點擊以上鏈接。

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 3 第三週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

09/23/2012 Last day to apply for tuition refund or transfer classes最後一天學費退款或轉班
10/07/2012 PTA Meeting//Room Parent Meeting//Flag Ceremony Day (School starts at 1pm) 家長大會//班代表大會//升旗典禮 (當日1點鐘上課)

Administration Office 教務組:

1. The 3rd week (9/23) is the last day to obtain tuition fee refund or transfer classes. Please stop by the office if you have any questions. Thank you. 第3週(9/23)是最後一天可以要求學費退款或轉班的日子。如果您有任何疑問,請到學校辦公室查詢。謝謝。

2. Attention parents - If you prefer a different class for your child other than what has been assigned, please come to the office to formally request the transfer so that we have accurate records. Without formal requests, all transfer won’t be accepted. 家長們請注意 - 如果您希望您的孩子轉班就讀,請來到辦公室正式提出要求轉班。沒有正式的請求,所有轉班及成績將不被承認。

3. Teacher Assistants Needed - we are looking for responsible 9th - 12th graders who are willing to volunteer 3 1/2 hours on Sunday afternoons. Chinese speaking applicants are preferred. Interested students please contact Vice-principal Susanna He at The due date is 10/07/2012 (Week 5). Click following link to download a form . 徵求助教 - 我們正在徵求9-12年級有意願擔任助教的學生,服務時間是星期日下午三個小時半,會中文者優先考慮。有興趣的同學請聯絡副校長何娜。截止日期是10月7日(第五週) 請點擊以上鏈接下載申請表格。

4. Registration/Scrip Sales/PTA booth will continue this week in the Administration Office. 本週註冊組/禮券組/家長會都將繼續在學校辦公室辦公。

5. To avoid food allergy issues please remind your child do not share food with anyone else. 為了避免食物過敏問題,請提醒您的孩子不與任何人分享食物。

6. San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association has started the scholarship application process for Year 2012. Senior high school students from San Diego area are welcomed to apply. Deadline is 09/30/2012. Please click following link for more information. 聖地亞哥中華科工聯誼會開始接受2012年的獎學金申請。聖地牙哥各高中十二年級生歡迎報名。 截止日期為2012年9月30日。詳情請點擊以上鏈接。

Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏

1. Important reminder for parking lot traffic停車場使用的重要提醒:
  • Please park your cars at the parking area only. Yellow and white zone by the curve side are for loading and unloading only, not for parking. Please do not leave the car unattended. NO EXCEPTION. 請把車停在停車格上。黃線和白線區是接送學生上下車區,不可停車。 請駕駛人不要離開車。沒有車可以例外
  • Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot. 請留意在停車場的駕駛速度。
  • Additional parking lot available at the rear of the school. 學校後側也有停車場可停車。
2. School Safety 校園安全
  • Please remind your children to respect all school property and rules 請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則。
  • Do not play or use elevator. Elevator is for teacher use only. 請勿使用或玩電梯。只有老師可使用電梯。
PTA 家長會

1. We will have Year 2012 Double-Ten Flag Ceremony on 10/07. School starts at 1pm that day. Flag Raising Ceremony will be held at Amphitheater at 1:30pm. Parents are welcome. All students are required to wear school t-shirt and attend the ceremony. School t-shirts will be distributed to students before the ceremony by their teachers. Snacks and drinks will be provided on site. Please click following link for a flyer . 我們學校將於10/7舉行2012年雙十升旗典禮。當天學校在下午1點提早上課。升旗典禮將於下午1:30 在露天劇場舉行,歡迎家長參加。所有學生都必須穿學校T-shirt出席儀式。老師在當天典禮前將會把T-shirt分發給學生。現場將提供點心和飲料。請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單。

2. If you grocery shop at Ralphs or Vons, you could be earning money for our school by simply registering your grocery card numbers online. The sooner you register your grocery cards, the more donation our school can use for the programs that benefit our kids. Here’s how to register online for each store:
  • RALPHS: Go to , click on “Community Contribution,” then under Participant, click on “Sign Up”. Our Ralphs ID is 83384.
  • VONS: Go to , click on “Sign Up” and follow the steps. Our eScrip ID is 140619186
如果您常在Ralphs 或 Vons購物的話,您只要上網登記您的購物卡號碼就可以為我們學校募款。越早登記你的購物卡,我們學校就會得到越多的捐款,對孩子的活動補助也愈多。 以下是上網登記的方法:
  • RALPHS: 到 點擊 “ Community Contribution”, 然後在 ”Participant” 下點擊 ”Sign Up“, 我們在Ralphs的ID是83384。
  • VONS: 到 , 點擊”Sign Up“,然後按照步驟做。我們的eScrip的 ID號碼是140619186.
3. We are a Jamba Juice School Appreciation Participants. You can pick up a member card from the Office and use it every time you buy Jamba Juice. Please support our school. Thank you. 我們是Jamba Juice的回饋學校之一。你可以從辦公室拿起一張會員卡,在每次買Jamba Juice時使用它。請支持我們的學校。謝謝。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

Scrip gift cards will be available for purchase in the office from 1:30 to 4:00PM this week. Please come visit us and purchase gift cards for the new school year. In the future, scrips sale will take place once a month. Please refer to Weekly Blog for future schedule. 本週禮卷組還會在學校辦公室販售禮卷。希望家長們多加利用!將來禮卷組會每個月販售一次禮卷 , 詳細時間表請參閱每個星期的部落格.

Community Corner 社區園地

San Diego region celebrates the 101 years of the Republic of China (Taiwan): National Cultural Delegation will present a variety of programs on 10/07/2012 Sunday 6:30 PM at Poway Center of Performing Arts for the San Diego region compatriots. Tickets: $15/person, $10/student. Please stop by the office to purchase tickets from the parent lounge volunteer. Click following link for more information 聖地牙哥地區慶祝中華民國建國101年活動系列: 國慶文化訪問團將於10/07/2012星期日下午6:30於波威藝術中心為聖地牙哥地區僑胞獻上豐富多彩的節目。票價: 每票十五元, 學生票十元。 有興趣的家長請到辦公室向值勤義工媽媽購買。節目海報請點擊以上鏈接。

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 2 第二週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

09/16/2012 Conference with Principal 校長/家長座談會
10/07/2012 PTA Meeting //Room Parent Meeting//Flag Ceremony Day 家長大會//班代表大會//升旗典禮

Administration Office 教務組:
1. The first week was busy time in the office and around campus. Many parents volunteered their time to come early and stayed throughout the afternoon to carry out important tasks such as registration and script sales. We cannot do it without their help. Let’s all appreciate their effort and dedication to our school. 開學第一週是辦公室和校園最忙碌的時候。許多家長主動的加入幫忙註冊和禮券銷售的重要工作。沒有他們的幫助,我們無法順利完成。讓我們感謝他們的努力和奉獻。

2. Registration/Scrip Sales/PTA booth will continue this week in the Administration Office. All updated volunteer information will be posted there. Please stop by to check the latest volunteer job assignment of Year 2012-2013. 本週註冊組/禮券組/家長會都將繼續在學校辦公室辦公, 更新的義工執勤表也會張貼在那裡, 請已經註冊的家長前來查看您2012-2013年工作分配。

3. Conference with Principal: The Principal’s Office cordially invites all parents, especially new parents, to the meeting. We will explain school activities planned for the new year, and preview textbooks for different grade levels. This is also a good opportunity to communicate with the Principal of any questions you may have. Time & Place: 2:30pm – 3:30pm at the Office. 校方/家長座談會: 請家長們, 尤其是新家長, 撥冗參加第二週的校方/家長座談會,會中將講解教材及介紹學校各項活動 。這是你和校長見面溝通的好機會時間2:30-3:30pm 地點在辦公室。

4. To avoid food allergy issues please remind your child do not share food with anyone else. 為了避免食物過敏問題,請提醒您的孩子不與任何人分享食物。

5. Each week your teacher will distribute a Weekly Announcement. It contains important announcement from the Administration Office and from your teacher regarding homework, classroom activities and tests. If you had not received a Weekly Announcement last week, please check with your teacher. 每個星期你的老師會分發每週聯絡事項。它包含了學校的重要公告,以及老師的作業, 課堂活動和測試消息。如果您上週沒有收到每週聯絡事項,請和你的老師聯絡。

6. We are still looking for 1 or 2 more girl or girl scouts to raise the flags on October 7, Flag Ceremony Day. If your child is a member of the troops, please contact the Office and sign up. 我們需要2位童子軍在10月7日 升旗典禮日為我們升旗。如果你的孩子是童軍的一員,請和辦公室聯繫。

7. San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association has started the scholarship application process for Year 2012. Senior high school students from San Diego area are welcomed to apply. Deadline is 09/30/2012. Please click following link for more information. 聖地亞哥中華科工聯誼會開始接受2012年的獎學金申請。聖地牙哥各高中十二年級生歡迎報名。 截止日期為2012年9月30日。詳情請點擊以上鏈接。

PTA 家長會

1. SDCA Blog and website 中華學苑網站和部落格:
We communicate with SDCA families through blog and website. Our school website is . PTA blog can be access through the link on top of our website. You can also subscribe to SDCA PTA blog by linking to . Enter your email address at the right of that page and click “subscribe”. We will send you an invitation email to subscribe to our blog. Please confirm the email when you receive it. In the future, you will automatically receive our blog when it is posted. 我們學校大多通過部落格和網站與家長聯絡。本校網站是 PTA部落格可以經由我們網站上的鏈接進入。您也可以經由 直接訂閱SDCA PTA的部落格。在該頁面的右側輸入您的電子郵件地址,然後點擊“訂閱”,我們將給您發送一封訂閱邀請函,請您收到時加以確認。在未來,您將自動收到每週的新訊息。

2. If you grocery shop at Ralphs or Vons, you could be earning money for our school by simply registering your grocery card numbers online. The sooner you get your grocery cards registered, the more donation our school can use for the programs that benefit our kids.Here’s how to register online for each store:
  • RALPHS: Go to , click on “Community Contribution,” then under Participant, click on “Sign Up”. Our Ralphs ID is 83384.
  • VONS: Go to , click on “Sign Up” and follow the steps. Our eScrip ID is 140619186
如果您常在Ralphs 或 Vons購物的話,您只要上網登記您的購物卡號碼就可以為我們學校募款。越早登記你的購物卡,我們學校就會得到越多的捐款,對孩子的活動補助也愈多。以下是上網登記的方法:
  • RALPHS: 到 點擊 “ Community Contribution”, 然後在 ”Participant” 下點擊 ”Sign Up“, 我們在Ralphs的ID是83384。
  • VONS: 到 , 點擊”Sign Up“,然後按照步驟做。我們的eScrip的 ID號碼是140619186.
3. We are a Jambo Juice School Appreciation Participants. You can pick up a member card from the Office and use it every time you buy Jambo Juice. Please support our school. Thank you. 我們是Jamba Juice的回饋學校之一。你可以從辦公室拿起一張會員卡,在每次買Jamba Juice時使用它。請支持我們的學校。謝謝。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

The scrips team will be selling scrips at the office for the first three weeks from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. We currently have gift cards from the following vendors: 99 Ranch, Souplantation, Pangea, Chin’s Seafood and Grill, Panera Bread and Jimbo. This is an easy way for you to help with the school’s fundraising. Please come visit us at the table and purchase your gift cards for the new school year. After the first three weeks, scrips sale will take place once a month. Please refer to the school newsletter and/or weekly blog for schedule.禮卷組將會在開學第一至第三週從下午1:30到4:00 在學校辦公室販售禮卷, 我們目前禮卷的商家為大華超市, Souplantation, Pangea 朋吉雅, Chin’s Seafood and Grill 御園, Panera Bread and Jimbo超市. 這是一個很簡單的可以為學校募款的方式!希望家長們多加利用!將來禮卷組會每個月販售一次禮卷 , 詳細時間表請參閱校訊或每個星期的部落格.

Community Corner 社區園地

1. We Chinese In America Magazine is sponsoring a Chinese Cultural Entertainment Event on 9/29, 6:30pm-9:30pm at Poway Center of Performing Arts. The ticket is on sale for $10/each. Interested parents please go to the Office to purchase. 華人雜誌將於9/29, 6:30-9:30pm在波威藝術中心舉辦華人朗誦音樂會。票價是一張$10。有興趣的家長請到辦公室向值勤義工媽媽購買。

2. San Diego regional events to celebrate the 101 years of the Republic of China (Taiwan): National Cultural Delegation will present a variety of programs on 10/07/2012 Sunday 6:30 pm at Poway Center of Performing Arts for the San Diego region compatriots. Tickets: $ 15/person, $10/student. Interested parents please go to the office to purchase. 聖地牙哥地區慶祝中華民國建國101年活動系列: 國慶文化訪問團將於10/07/2012星期日下午6:30於波威藝術中心為聖地牙哥地區僑胞獻上豐富多彩的節目。票價: 每票十五元, 學生票十元。 有興趣的家長請到辦公室向值勤義工媽媽購買。

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 1 第一週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

09/09/2012 2012-2013 School Year starts 新學年開學日- 9月9日

Year 2012-2013 faculty members 2012-2013學年教務行政人員:
This year we have Mrs. Show-lin Law as Principal, and Ms. Susanna He and Ms. Wendy Chen as Vice-Principals. We thank them for their service. 今年我們的校長是羅秀琳女士, 副校長是何娜及程雯芸女士。謝謝他們的服務。

On 9/9/2012, Registration/Scrip Sales/PTA booth will be held in the Administration Office. All up-to-date volunteer information will be posted there. Please stop by to check the latest volunteer job assignment of Year 2012-2013. 在2012年9月9日當天,註冊組/禮券組/家長會都將在學校辦公室辦公, 最新的義工執勤表會張貼在那裡, 屆時請已經註冊的家長前來查看您2012-2013年工作分配。

Administration Office 教務組:

1. Welcome to the new school year! The Administration Office would like to remind all students please arrive school before 1:30PM on 09/09/12 to check out your new classroom. 開學了! 請家長於開學日提早帶貴子女到學校﹐以便有時間尋找新教室。

2. All registered students please proceed directly to your assigned class. There will be information booth set up by building entrances for families to check on class rosters and classroom map. 如果您已經預註冊了﹐請帶貴子女直接到分配的班級. 我們會在校園設信息亭以便家長和同學們查詢最新的班級分配表及教室分配圖。

3. If you have not registered please come to the office to complete registration and obtain a Class Placement Permission Slip. 如果您還沒註冊﹐請於開學日到辦公室註冊. 我們會跟據您孩子的中文程度分班並出具插班證明。

4. Parents please bring check on 9/9 to purchase textbook. Below are the textbook prices for each class level. If you are not sure please check with your teacher. 需要購買教科書的學生,請家長記得準備支票,讓貴子弟於開學日轉交給班代表或老師。
  • CSL1A & CSL1B: My First Chinese Reader $48.00(Textbook & CD ROM) $26(Text book) $22(CD ROM)
  • 普通班 (regular class levels 1 through 6):美洲華語(課本+作業本)$18.00
  • 學分一 Credit Class 1:聽說讀寫L1P1 $56.00(Textbook & Wordbook) $25.00 (Wordbook)
  • 學分二 Credit Class 2:聽說讀寫L1P2 $66.00(Textbook & Wordbook) $26.00 (Wordbook)
  • 學分三 Credit Class 3:聽說讀寫L2P1 $65.00(Textbook & Wordbook) $26.00 (Wordbook)

5. We will have a Credit Class parents’ meeting on 9/9 at 3:40pm, computer classroom (US115). All credit class parents are invited to attend this important meeting. 校方將在9月9日3:40pm舉辦學分班說明會,說明會的地點在電腦教室(US115),請學分班家長務必撥冗參加。

6. August Newsletter and other new school year information have been posted on our website. Please keep in mind that due to timing of website update, some information posted on the website may be outdated. 八月的校刊和其他新學年信息已發布在我們的網站上。請記住,由於網站更新的時間差異, 在網站上發布一些信息可能已經過時﹐請點擊下列鏈接查詢。

7. Each week your teacher will distribute a Weekly Announcement. It contains important announcement from the Administration Office and from your teacher regarding homework, classroom activities and tests. If you do not receive a Weekly Announcement, please check with your teacher. 每個星期你的老師會分發每週聯絡事項。它包含了學校的重要公告,以及老師的作業, 課堂活動和測試消息。如果您沒有收到每週聯絡事項,請和你的老師聯絡。

8. We are looking for 2 Girl Scouts or 2 Boy Scouts to raise the flags on October 7, Flag Ceremony Day. If your child is a member of the troops, please contact the Office and sign up. 我們需要2位女童軍或2位童子軍在10月7日 升旗日為我們升旗。如果你的孩子是童軍的一員,請和辦公室聯繫。

9. Congratulation to students Jeffrey Chen and Cailin Liu for winning Year 2012 the 36th 99Ranch Market and the 36th SCCCS Scholarships. 恭喜學生陳亭翰和劉潔穎獲得2012年第三十六屆大華優秀學生獎學金及第三十六屆聯合會優秀學生獎學金。

PTA 家長會

1. SDCA Blog and website 中華學苑網站和部落格:
We communicate with SDCA families through blog and website. Our school website is . PTA blog can be access through the link on top of our website. You can also subscribe to SDCA PTA blog by linking to . Enter your email address at the right of that page and click “subscribe”. We will send you an invitation email to subscribe to our blog. Please confirm the email when you receive it. In the future, you will automatically receive our blog when it is posted. 我們學校大多通過部落格和網站與家長聯絡。本校網站是 PTA部落格可以經由我們網站上的鏈接進入。您也可以經由 直接訂閱SDCA PTA的部落格。在該頁面的右側輸入您的電子郵件地址,然後點擊“訂閱”,我們將給您發送一封訂閱邀請函,請您收到時加以確認。在未來,您將自動收到每週的新訊息。

2. Due to classroom space shortage, the Parent Lounge will be combined with the Administration Office. We welcome all parents to utilize the Parent Lounge during school hours and socialize with other parents. 由於班級教室不足,家長休息室將和學校辦公室合併使用。歡迎家長們善加利用。

3. Parent, please sign up for eScrips rewards!!!! San Diego Chinese Academy will receive certain percentage of your sales from them as a donation. Please stop by Administration Office for a copy of flyer. 家長們, 請加入E-scrips 的回饋學校活動! Vons將會把你購物金額的一部分捐贈給我們學校。請到學校辦公室拿一份簡介。

4. We are a Jambo Juice School Appreciation Participants. You can pick up a member card from the Office and use it every time you buy Jambo Juice. Please support our school. Thank you. 我們是Jamba Juice的回饋學校之一。你可以從辦公室拿起一張會員卡,在每次買Jamba Juice時使用它。請支持我們的學校。謝謝。

5. We will have Jamba juice smoothie for sale between 1-3pm on 9/9. It will be located next to the Parent Lounge. $2-$3/cup. This is a fundraising activity for our school. 在9月9日當天下午1-3點之間,我們將有Jamba Juice的冰沙銷售活動。攤位將位於家長休息室旁邊。 $2 - $3/cup。這是我們學校的募款活動,請支持。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

The scrips team will be selling scrips at the office for the first three weeks from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. We currently have gift cards from the following vendors: 99 Ranch, Souplantation, Pangea, Chin’s Seafood and Grill, Panera Bread and Jimbo. This is an easy way for you to help with the school’s fundraising. Please come visit us at the table and purchase your gift cards for the new school year. After the first three weeks, scrips sale will take place once a month. Please refer to the school newsletter and/or weekly blog for schedule.禮卷組將會在開學第一至第三週從下午1:30到4:00 在學校辦公室販售禮卷, 我們目前禮卷的商家為大華超市, Souplantation, Pangea 朋吉雅, Chin’s Seafood and Grill 御園, Panera Bread and Jimbo超市. 這是一個很簡單的可以為學校募款的方式!希望家長們多加利用!將來禮卷組會每個月販售一次禮卷 , 詳細時間表請參閱校訊或每個禮拜的部落格.

**** Community Corner 社區園地 ******

1. OCMC has a Photo&Caption Contest for students 11 years old and over. Submit an unedited Photo with a story in the caption, and you will have a chance to win a trip to Big Bear Lake. Interested students can click following link: Deadline: 9/10/12. 南加州東方文化中心 (OCMC) 鼓勵11歲以上學生提交您在今年最喜歡的一張戶外照片, 並加上不多於50字的註解(English OK),你就有機會和家人去大熊湖度假。有興趣學生請點擊以上鏈結。截止收件9月10日。

2. Poster Contest from Wei-Chuan USA welcomes all students to submit their designs. Interest students/parents please click following link: . Deadline: 9/25/12. 美國味全公司海報比賽歡迎所有的學生提交自己的設計。有興趣學生/家長請點擊上面的鏈接。截止收件9月25日。