Important Dates 重要活動日期:
09/28/2012 Teacher’s Day (Confucius Day) 教師節
10/07/2012 PTA Meeting//Room Parent Meeting//Flag Ceremony Day (School starts at 1pm) 家長大會//班代表大會//升旗典禮 (當日1點鐘上課)
Administration Office 教務組:
1. Teacher Assistants Needed - we are looking for responsible 9th - 12th graders who are willing to volunteer 3 1/2 hours on Sunday afternoons. Chinese speaking applicants are preferred. Interested students please contact Vice-principal Susanna He at Click following link to download a form . 徵求助教 - 我們正在徵求9-12年級有意願擔任助教的學生,服務時間是星期日下午三個小時半,會中文者優先考慮。有興趣的同學請聯絡副校長何娜。請點擊以上鏈接下載申請表格。
2. We will have Year 2012 Double-Ten Flag Ceremony on 10/07. School starts at 1pm that day. Flag Raising Ceremony will be held at Amphitheater at 1:30pm. Parents are welcome. All students are required to wear school t-shirt and attend the ceremony. School t-shirts will be distributed to students before the ceremony by their teachers. Snacks and drinks will be provided on site. If your child has any food allergy concerns, we recommend that you stay with your child until classes are back in session, because our parent volunteers will not be able to check each student for allergy concerns. Please click following link for a flyer . 我們學校將於10/7舉行2012年雙十升旗典禮。當天學校在下午1點提早上課。升旗典禮將於下午1:30 在露天劇場舉行,歡迎家長參加。所有學生都必須穿學校T-shirt出席儀式。老師在當天典禮前將會把T-shirt分發給學生。現場將提供點心和飲料。如果您的孩子有任何的食物過敏問題,我們建議你留在孩子身邊,直到他們回到教室上課,因為我們的義工人員無法檢查每個學生的過敏問題。請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單。
Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏
1. Important reminder for parking lot traffic停車場使用的重要提醒:
- Please park your cars at the parking area only. Yellow and white zone by the curve side are for loading and unloading only, not for parking. Please do not leave the car unattended. NO EXCEPTION. 請把車停在停車格上。黃線和白線區是接送學生上下車區,不可停車。 請駕駛人不要離開車。沒有例外。
- Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot. 請留意在停車場的駕駛速度。
- Additional parking lot available at the rear of the school. 學校後側也有停車場可停車。
- Please remind your children to respect all school property and rules 請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則。
- Do not play or use elevator. Elevator is for teacher use only. 請勿使用或玩電梯。只有老師可使用電梯。
1. Parents, this week we celebrate Teacher’s Day (Confucius Day) in China and some Asian countries. Please let your teachers know that you appreciate their services and hard work. You may bring a fruit or a flower or even a card for your teacher! 家長們,這個星期在中國和一些亞洲國家, 我們會慶祝教師節(孔子誕辰紀念日)。請讓你的老師知道你感謝他們的服務和辛勤工作。您也可以帶一個水果,花或一張卡片給他們一個驚喜。
2. Due to big enrollment increase this year, our volunteer job lists have been updated. Please stop by the Office to check out your new assignment. You can also download them by following link: If you like to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please contact PTA Director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you. 由於今年的註冊人數大增, 今年的家長服務表已經重新修改過, 請到辦公室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以直接下載名單,請點擊以上鏈接。如果你想服務,但沒有在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為您安排一個合適的工作項目.
3. PTA Meeting will be on 10/07 (Week 5) at 3:00pm in Multi-Purpose Room (Community Hall). Board of Directors and PTA will discuss Year2012 school-wide activities and events. Room Parents Meeting will be hold after PTA Meeting. Please make sure at least one representative of your class attends the meetings.
家長大會將于10月7日(第五周)下午3:00在多功能教室(Community Hall)舉行。理事會和家長會將會討論2012年度全校性活動的安排和重要事項。班代表會議將接著家長大會後舉行。請各班至少派一名代表參加。
4. On 10/7 (Week 5), all credit class students will have to attend the Double-Ten Celebration in Poway Performing Art Center after classes are over. PTA and volunteer mom Judy Tsui have arranged to have bento service delivered to school at around 4:30pm that day for your convenience. Please contact your Room moms if you are interested in this service. The pork chop bento is $8 /per box. For other parents who are interested in ordering, please go to the office this week and place your order with the office volunteer. 在10/7(第5週),所有學分班學生下課後必須參加在Poway藝術中心的雙十慶典晚會。為了您的方便,PTA及義工媽媽黃嘉菱安排有便當服務,便當會在當天下午4:30送到學校。如果你有興趣訂購,請和你的班代表聯絡。豬排便當每個8元。其他有興趣訂購的家長,請到辦公室向值勤義工訂購。
5. Hello, parents! SDCA is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All our fund raising efforts are for a better education environment of our children. Please consider donating to our school. Cash donation is welcomed and your donation is tax deductible. We can provide you receipts as requested. If your employer has a donation matching program, please consider it to help our school. Please contact Board of Directors or PTA if you have any questions. Your support is very important to us. Thank you. 您 好,家長們!SDCA是一個合法的501(c)(3)非營利性組織。我們所有的募款努力,都是了提供我們的孩子更好的教育環境。請考慮捐款支持我們的學校。我們歡迎現金 捐款, 而且您的捐款是可以抵稅的。我們可以提供收據給你。如果您的雇主有捐贈配套方案,請考慮用它來幫助我們的學校。如果您有任何疑問,請聯繫理事會或家長會。您的支持是對我們非常重要。謝謝。
Community Corner 社區園地
San Diego region celebrates the 101 years of the Republic of China (Taiwan): National Cultural Delegation will present a variety of programs on 10/07/2012 Sunday 6:30 PM at Poway Center of Performing Arts for the San Diego region compatriots. Tickets: $15/person, $10/student. Please stop by the office to purchase tickets from the office volunteer. Click following link for more information 聖地牙哥地區慶祝中華民國建國101年活動系列: 國慶文化訪問團將於10/07/2012星期日下午6:30於 Poway藝術中心為聖地牙哥地區僑胞獻上豐富多彩的節目。票價: 每票十五元, 學生票十元。 有興趣的家長請到辦公室向值勤義工購買。節目海報請點擊以上鏈接。