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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 25 第二十五週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

04/01/12 Board Election/PTA meeting/Scrip Sales Day理事改選/ 家長大會/禮券銷售日
04/08/12 Spring Break (No School) 春假 (不上課)
04/15/12 Volunteer Appreciation Party (pot-luck Party) 義工表揚同樂會

Administration Office 教務組

If your child has been nominated for 6, 9, 12 Chinese Language Study Award, please remind them to come to Teacher’s Office at 3:20pm this Sunday for group photo. We would like to post their pictures at our Y2011 Yearbook. Thank you! 如果您的孩子被提名得到6,9,12年中文學習獎,請提醒他們本星期天(4/1)下午3:20到教師休息室合照。我們希望能把他們的照片張貼在我們Y2011年刊上。謝謝。

PTA 家長會

1. ATTENTION ! This school year’s last PTA Meeting will be on 04/01 at 2pm in Community Hall. We will elect our Year 2012-2013 new Board members during the meeting. If you received a ballot in the mail, please make sure to mark your selection and mail it back to the school P.O. Box before April 1. We are happy to announce that we have a new candidate, Nancy Lin, like to serve as Director next year. You can write in her name at the ballot you had received, or download a revised ballot from our website at In order to proceed, we need votes from 25% of our student body’s families. Please attend and cast your votes. Thank you for your participation. 請注意!本學年度最後一次的PTA會議將在4月1日下午2點在Community Hall舉行。會議中我們將選出2012-2013年度新的理事會成員。如果您收到郵寄選票,請記得圈選候選人並在4月1日之前郵寄到學校郵政信箱。我們很高興地宣布又有一位新的候選人, 林維君,願意來擔任理事服務學校 。您可以把她的名字填入您已經收到的選票,或從學校網站下載列印修正後的新選票。我們至少需要25%我們的學生的家庭參與,選舉才能進行,請務必出席會議並投票。感謝您的參與。

2. We invite all parents to attend our last PTA Meeting on 04/01 at 2pm in Community Hall. Even if you have sent in your ballot beforehand, please plan on attending the meeting. We have important end-of-the-year activities to discuss, and we value your opinion and participation. We will discuss school-wide Volunteer Appreciation pot-luck Party, Teacher Appreciation dinner and raffle items, and next year’s 25 Anniversary Planning. Snack and drinks will be provided. 我們誠摯地邀請所有家長出席04/01下午2點在 Community Hall舉行的本學年度最後一次家長會議。即使你已經上交了選票,請仍然計畫出席會議。我們要討論幾項重要的年終活動,非常需要您的意見和參與。會議中將討論全校義工表揚大會聚餐,謝師宴和抽獎品,和明年的25週年校慶規劃。我們將為您提供點心和飲料。

3. We will have a school-wide Volunteer Appreciation Party on 04/15/2012. Everyone is welcomed to bring a dish to share. Party details will be discussed during our PTA Meeting this Sunday. 我們將在2012年4月15日舉行全校義工表揚大會聚餐,歡迎大家帶一道菜來分享。聚餐細節將在這個星期天的PTA會議上討論。

4. SDCA 25th Anniversary committee is looking for planning volunteers. If you have good ideas of celebration and would like to see them happen, please contact BOD President Grace Cheng at Please click for more information. 聖地牙哥中華學苑25週年策劃委員會正在招募志工家長。如果你有好的慶祝活動的點子,並希望把它們付諸實現,請聯絡理事長鄭菁菁。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

1. This Sunday (04/01/12) scrip sales will be in Teachers Office. 本星期日禮券銷售將在老師休息室舉行。

2. It is time to pick up your service fee refund ($60) of Year 2011-2012. If you had fulfilled your volunteer duty, please stop by Teacher’s Office this Sunday (04/01) to pick up your refund. The last refund day will be on 05/06/2012. Thank you for your service! 該是領取您的2011-2012年服務退費(60元)的時候了。如果你已經做完了應該負責的工作,請于本星期日到教師休息室領取您的退款。最後一次退款日將在2012年5月6日。感謝您的服務!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 24 第二十四週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

03/25/12 Poetry Recitation Contest (Week 2) 詩詞朗誦比賽 (第二週)
04/01/12 Board Election/ PTA meeting 理事改選/ 家長大會
04/08/12 Spring Break (No School) 春假 (不上課)

Administration Office 教務組

1. We have posted schedules of the Poetry Recitation Contest (3/18 & 3/25) on our website. Please click the following link to check your kid’s time of arrival at the Community Hall. 我們已經將詩詞朗誦比賽的(3月18日及3月25日)流程表放在網頁上,請點擊以上鏈接查看您的孩子的比賽時間。

2. OCAC (Taiwan) starts accepting application to this year’s “Formosa Association of Student Culture Ambassador”. This is a chance to build up the leadership skills and connect with other Asian-American teenagers. Interested students and parents please click for more information. 僑委會主辦 ”101年海外青年文化志工培訓班” 開始接受報名, 這是一個建立領導技巧並與其他亞裔青少年接觸的機會,有興趣的學生和家長請點擊以上鏈接。

PTA 家長會

1. ATTENTION ! This school year’s last PTA Meeting will be on 04/01 at 2pm in Community Hall. We will elect our Year 2012-2013 new Board members during the meeting. Please attend and cast your votes. If you received a ballot in the mail, please make sure to mark your selection and mail it back to the school P.O. Box before April 1. Alternately, you can drop it off with the Parent Lounge Volunteer before April 1. You can also download the ballot from our website at In order to proceed, we need votes from 25% of our student body’s families. Thank you for your participation. 請注意!本學年度最後一次的PTA會議將在4月1日下午2點在Community Hall舉行。會議中我們將選出2012-2013年度新的理事會成員,請務必出席會議並投票。如果您收到郵寄的選票,請記得圈選候選人並在4月1日之前郵寄到學校郵政信箱。或者,您可以在4月1日之前交給家長休息室值勤家長代收。您也可以從學校網站下載列印選票。我們至少需要25%我們的學生的家庭參與,選舉才能進行。感謝您的參與。

2. Database Application Assistance Needed徵求電腦資料庫協助義工
We need assistance in database application and online registration website design. If you are trained in database application and can help our school, please contact Board President Grace Cheng at or PTA at Thank you for your support. 我們需要義工幫忙整理學校的電腦資料庫和網頁設計。 如果您受過資料庫的專業訓練,而且可以幫助我們, 請盡快和理事長鄭菁菁或PTA 聯絡, 謝謝您的支持。

3. SDCA 25th Anniversary committee is looking for planning volunteers. If you have good ideas of celebration and would like to see them happen, please contact BOD President Grace Cheng at Please click for more information. 聖地牙哥中華學苑25週年策劃委員會正在招募志工家長。如果你有好的慶祝活動的點子,並希望把它們付諸實現,請聯絡理事長鄭菁菁。


1. Advertisement - The Publications team is working on the yearbook project. Advertisement spaces are available in the Yearbook for as low as $50. Please consider supporting our school by advertise your business with us. Please send any interests or inquires to by 3/31. 廣告-- 出版組開始著手于年刊的製作。年刊的廣告價格最低只要50美元。請考慮放置您的業務廣告到年刊上來支持我們的學校。詳情請洽主編何娜。

2. School Directory (planning ahead for next year) - In an effort to protect our families’ personal information, the Publications team, with BOD approval, is implementing changes on how much personal information is shared in the November issues of School Directory. The new issues will only share the following: parents’ names, child(ren)’s names and classes, primary contact phone (optional), and primary contact e-mail (optional). The School Directory section of the Enrollment Form will be modified accordingly to collect the primary contact phone and e-mail, both are optional. By implementing this change, we hope to provide a more complete members directory. Therefore, all families will be listed. If primary contact phone and e-mail info are not provided on the Enrollment Form, only the family’s names and classes will be listed. For questions or comments, please email to 學校目錄(明年計劃) - 為了保護我們的家庭個人信息,經理事會批准,出版組將改變11月份學校目錄個人信息共享程度。新出版的目錄將只分享如下信息:父母的名字,子女的姓名和班級,主要聯繫電話(可選),主要聯繫人的電子郵件(可選)。報名表格將作相應的修改,只登記主要聯繫電話和e-mail,這兩項都是可選的。通過實施這一變化,我們希望提供一個更完整的家庭目錄。因此,所有的家庭都將列入目錄。如果報名表上不提供主要聯繫電話和電子郵件信息,那目錄上將只會列出家人名字與班級名稱。有任何問題或意見,請聯絡主編何娜。

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 23 第二十三週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

03/18/12 Poetry Recitation Contest (Week 1) 詩詞朗誦比賽 (第一週)
03/25/12 Poetry Recitation Contest (Week 2) 詩詞朗誦比賽 (第二週)
04/01/12 Board Election/ PTA meeting 理事改選/ 家長大會
04/08/12 Spring Break (No School) 春假 (不上課)

Administration Office 教務組

We have posted schedules of the Poetry Recitation Contest (3/18 & 3/25) on our website. Please click the following link to check your kid’s time of arrival at the Community Hall. 我們已經將詩詞朗誦比賽的(3月18日及3月25日)流程表放在網頁上,請點擊以上鏈接查看您的孩子的比賽時間。

PTA 家長會

1. We are delighted to announce that we now have 2 candidates for upcoming Board of Directors election. WE NEED ANOTHER CANDIDATE TO FILL ALL POSITIONS. Please consider this a wonderful opportunity to make changes to our school. Write-in candidate is welcomed at our PTA meeting on 4/1/12. Our sincere appreciation to these volunteers who will commit their time and energy to serve our school and make it a better place for our children’s education. If you receive a ballot in the mail, please make sure to mark your selection and mail it back to the school PO Box before April 1. Alternately, you can drop it off with the Parent Lounge Volunteer before April 1. In order to proceed, we need votes from 25% of our student body’s family. You can also download ballot from school website at Thank you for your participation. 我們很高興地宣布我們現在已經有2位理事選舉的候選人了。我們需要另一名候選人以填補所有的職位空缺。請考慮這是一個改進學校教育的好機會。我們也歡迎您在4月1日的家長大會當場提名候選。我們真誠地感謝這些志願者願意貢獻他們的時間和精力來服務學校,使學校成為我們的孩子接受教育的理想場所。當您收到選票時,請填好您的選擇,務必在4月1日之前寄回學校郵政信箱。或者,您可以在4月1日前直接交給家長休息室的執勤義工家長。為了保證理事會換屆的順利進行,我們需要學生家庭總數25%以上的選票。您也可以自學校網站下載選票感謝您的參與!

2. Database Application Assistance Needed徵求電腦資料庫協助義工
We need assistance in database application and online registration website design. If you are trained in database application and can help our school, please contact Board President Grace Cheng at or PTA at Thank you for your support. 我們需要義工幫忙整理學校的電腦資料庫和網頁設計。 如果您受過資料庫的專業訓練,而且可以幫助我們, 請盡快和理事長鄭菁菁或PTA 聯絡, 謝謝您的支持。

3. Room parents, please stop by Teachers’ Office to pick up your reimbursement check or donation receipt for Chinese New Year Festival. Thank you! 請各位班代表到教師休息室領取您的園遊會退費支票和收據。謝謝!


1. Continuing previous years’ tradition, we would like to include the winning Speech Contest entries in the Yearbook. If your child won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place recognition in the SDCA 2011-2012 Speech Contest, and you are interested in placing your child's winning entry in the Yearbook, please send the soft copy of the speech to by Sunday, 3/18. Please note that we will be finalizing those Yearbook pages after the due date, and will not be able to accommodate any late submissions. 延續往年的傳統,我們希望把演講比賽得獎的作品也刊登在年刊上。如果您的孩子在2011-2012演講比賽中獲得了第一,第二,第三名的獎勵,而且您願意把你的孩子的得獎作品公佈,請將得獎作品在 03/18之前傳送給年刊編輯何娜。請注意,因為我們將要確定年刊版面頁數,任何遲交的作品將無法再列入。

2. Advertisement - The Publications team is working on the yearbook project. Advertisement spaces are available in the Yearbook for as low as $50. Please consider supporting our school by advertise your business with us. Please send any interests or inquires to by 3/31. 廣告-- 出版組開始著手于年刊的製作。年刊的廣告價格最低只要50美元。請考慮放置您的業務廣告到年刊上來支持我們的學校。詳情請洽主編何娜。

3. School Directory (planning ahead for next year) - In an effort to protect our families’ personal information, the Publications team, with BOD approval, is implementing changes on how much personal information is shared in the November issues of School Directory. The new issues will only share the following: parents’ names, child(ren)’s names and classes, primary contact phone (optional), and primary contact e-mail (optional). The Enrollment Form will be modified accordingly to collect the primary contact phone and e-mail, both are optional. By implementing this change, we hope to provide a more complete members directory. Therefore, all families will be listed. If primary contact phone and e-mail info are not provided on the Enrollment Form, only the family’s names and classes will be listed. For questions or comments, please send to 學校目錄(明年計劃) - 為了保護我們的家庭個人信息,經理事會批准,出版組將改變11月份學校目錄個人信息共享程度。新出版的目錄將只分享如下信息:父母的名字,子女的姓名和班級,主要聯繫電話(可選),主要聯繫人的電子郵件(可選)。報名表格將作相應的修改,只登記主要聯繫電話和e-mail,這兩項都是可選的。通過實施這一變化,我們希望提供一個更完整的家庭目錄。因此,所有的家庭都將列入目錄。如果報名表上不提供主要聯繫電話和電子郵件信息,那目錄上將只會列出家人名字與班級名稱。有任何問題或意見,請聯絡主編何娜。