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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 20 第二十週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

03/18/12 Poetry Recitation Contest (Week 1) 詩詞朗誦比賽第一週
03/25/12 Poetry Recitation Contest (Week 2) 詩詞朗誦比賽第二週

Board Election 理事改選

We have 2 vacancies of the Board of Directors in the upcoming year. We are seeking parents to join us and help our school. Application and flyer had been sent home with your students two weeks ago. Please consider this a wonderful opportunity to make changes and improvements in our kids' education. Flyer and Application can also be downloaded from our website . Please contact any current board members if you have questions. 下一個新學年度我們將有2位理事空缺, 我們需要大家一同來參與理事會幫助學校。 理事改選傳單與推薦表已經在兩星期前由學生帶回家。 請大家為了我們孩子的教育, 考慮這個更能主動協助學校的機會。你也可以從學校網站下載傳單與推薦表。如果你有任何問題,請跟任何一位現任理事聯絡。

Administration Office 教務組

1. University of the West ( offers generous scholarships to Asian high school graduates who plan to attend colleges this fall. Interested students and parents please click following link: 南加州西來大學將提供給今年南加州高中華人畢業學生升大學優幄的獎助學金。有興趣的家長和學生請點擊以上鏈接。

2. Year 2012 SCCCS Chinese Culture Summer Camp at Lake Williams is accepting application right now. This year the Camp date is from 6/30-7/5. This is a very popular summer camp and fills up fast. Interested parents please check our website for more information. 南加州中文學校聯合會2012 年中國文化青少年夏令營開始接受報名。今年的夏令營日期從6/30-7/5。這是一個非常受歡迎的夏令營,名額有限,有興趣的家長請點擊以上鏈接。

PTA 家長會

1. Our volunteer had put together a website to share the photos from our festival. You can access the photos at If you are willing to share your videos from the festival, please contact our Volunteer Michelle at 我們的義工們建了個網站來分享我們的節日照片。您可以到以上鏈接查看照片。如果你願意分享您拍攝的節日視頻,請聯繫我們的義工媽媽Michelle。

2. We are happy to announce we had winners for our Festival Sale Contest. For food booth: Boba Milk Tea – 4B/7A. For game booth: Ping Pong Ball Throw – PA. The winning booths will receive cash awards toward their year-end parties. 我們很高興地宣布我們的園遊會銷售競賽的優勝者已經選出了。食品攤位的優勝者:波霸奶茶 - 4B/7A。遊戲攤位的優勝者:扔乒乓球遊戲 - PA。獲獎攤位將獲得現金獎勵,可用於班級的期末派對活動。

3. Festival poster Contest: the winner is 1A. Please check out all posters in the following link towards the end of the slide show. All posters will be included in our yearbook. Please email for picking up your poster. Thank you! 園遊會海報比賽的優勝班級是1A。請點擊上述鏈接查看所有海報 (在系列照片末尾) 。所有海報都將放在我們的年刊中。請聯絡家長會領回您的班級海報。謝謝!

4. Room parents, please stop by Teachers’ Office to pick up your reimbursement check or donation receipt for Chinese New Year Festival. Thank you! 各位班代表請到教師休息室領取您的園遊會退費支票和收據。謝謝!

5. Please consider donating to our school. Our fund raising efforts are for a better education for our children. SDCA is a non-profit organization, and all donations to SDCA are tax deductible. Many companies also have one-to-one matching program or community charity. Please consult your HR department about donating to SDCA. Thank you for your help! 請考慮捐款給 SDCA。我們的募款活動是要為我們的孩子提供更好的教育。 SDCA是一個非營利組織,所有捐款均可抵稅。許多公司也有一對一配套的捐款方案或社區慈善計畫,請諮詢您的人力資源管理部門如何捐款給 SDCA。感謝您的幫助。

6. Donate your empty ink and toner cartridges to SDCA and help our teachers earn free school supplies! Staples stores have recycle program and each empty cartridge can earn $2 back to their Staples Rewards®. We have been using this program to save money for our school and we hope you can join us, too. Not only do we earn Rewards to use at Staples, but we also reduce landfill waste. Please drop off your empty cartridges with Parent Lounge volunteers. Thank you! 請捐贈空墨水盒和空碳粉盒給SDCA, 並幫助我們的教師換得免費文具用品!Staples商店有回收計劃,每個空墨盒可以得到2美元的Staples回饋獎勵®。我們一直在使用這個計畫為我們學校省錢,我們希望你也能加入。我們不僅獲得 Staples獎勵金,還可以減少垃圾場的使用。請把空墨盒交給家長休息義工。謝謝!


Advertisement - The Publications team is working on the yearbook project. Advertisement spaces are available in the Yearbook for as low as $50. Please consider supporting our school by advertise your business with us. For details please contact Susanna He at 廣告-- 出版組開始著手于年刊的製作。年刊的廣告價格最低只要50美元。請考慮放置您的業務廣告到年刊上來支持我們的學校。詳情請洽主編何娜。

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 19 第十九週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

02/19/2012 Teachers Spring Training-No school 教師春訓 - 學校放假
03/18/2012 Poetry Recitation Contest 詩詞朗誦比賽

Board Election 理事改選

We have 2 vacancies of the Board of Directors in the upcoming year. We are seeking parents to join the board and help our school. Application and flyer will come home with your students in the coming week. Please consider this a wonderful opportunity to make positive changes and improvements in our kids' education. Flyer and Application can also be downloaded from our website Please contact any current board members if you have questions. 下一個新學年度我們將有2位理事空缺, 我們需要大家一同來參與理事會幫助學校。 理事改選的傳單與推薦表將由學生帶回家。 請大家為了我們的孩子能有更好的中文教育, 考慮這個更能主動協助學校的機會。 傳單與推薦表也可以從學校網站下載。. 如果有任何問題請跟理事們聯絡。

PTA 家長會

1. Our volunteer had put together a website to share the photos from our festival. You can access the photos at If you are willing to share your videos from the festival, please contact our Volunteer Michelle at Thank you! 我們的義工們建了個網站來分享我們的節日照片。您可以到以上鏈接查看照片。如果你願意分享您拍攝的節日視頻,請聯繫我們的義工媽媽Michelle。謝謝!

2. Attention! The following silent auction winners: Maryana Bhak, Ting Guan, and Chi Lee. Please come to the Parent Lounge to pay for and pick up your winning items. Thanks you for your support. 請以下拍賣的得主注意:Maryana Bhak, Ting Guan, and Chi Lee。請到家長休息室付款和領取您所拍得的物品。感謝您的支持。

3. We are happy to announce we had winners for our Festival Sale Contest. For food booth: Boba Milk Tea – 4B/7A. For game booth: Ping Pong Ball Throw – PA. The winning booths will receive cash awards toward their year-end parties. 我們很高興地宣布,我們節日銷售競賽的優勝者已經選出了。食品攤位的優勝者:波霸奶茶 - 4B/7A。遊戲攤位的優勝者:扔乒乓球遊戲 - PA。獲獎攤位將獲得現金獎勵,可用於班級的期末派對活動。

4. Poster Contest: Did you notice all the elaborate booth posters on Sunday? Maybe that was the secret ingredient behind our impressive ticket sales! The winner for the poster contest is 1A. Please check out all posters in the above link towards the end of the slide show. All posters will be included in our yearbook. If you don’t see your poster in the slide show, please send a photocopy to Publications . If we have your poster, you may pick it up this Sunday at Parent Lounge. Thanks for all the imaginative minds and hands behind these inspiring creations! 海報比賽:您有沒有注意上週日那些精心製作的攤位海報?也許這就是我們令人印象深刻的門票銷售成績背後的秘密武器!海報比賽的優勝班級是1A。請到上述網站鏈接,在系列照片的末尾查看所有海報。所有海報都將放在我們的年刊中。如果您在照片中沒有看到您的海報,請將複印本發送到出版編輯。如果我們有您的海報,您可以于這個星期天到家長休息室領取。感謝這些鼓舞人心的創作背後的所有富有想像力的頭腦和雙手!

5. Important: Please do NOT leave any valuables in your car unattended. Parents had reported that there were strangers peeking inside parked cars. We don’t have security guard at the parking lot. So please be cautious, always lock your car, and take all belongings with you to the classrooms. 請不要將您的貴重物品留在車裏。有家長報告說有陌生人往停靠的車裏窺視。我們在停車場沒有設置安全警衛,所以請務必在去教室之前把車鎖好。

6. Please consider donating to our school. Our fund raising efforts are for a better education for our children. SDCA is a non-profit organization, and all donations to SDCA are tax deductible. Many companies also have one-to-one matching program or community charity. Please consult your HR department about donating to SDCA. Thank you for your help! 請考慮捐款給 SDCA。我們的募款活動是要為我們的孩子提供更好的教育。 SDCA是一個非營利組織,所有捐款均可抵稅。許多公司也有一對一配套的捐款方案或社區慈善計畫,請諮詢您的人力資源管理部門如何捐款給 SDCA。感謝您的幫助。

7. Donate your empty ink and toner cartridges to SDCA and help our teachers earn free school supplies! Staples stores have recycle program and each empty cartridge can earn $2 back to their Staples Rewards®. We have been using this program to save money for our school and we hope you can join us, too. Not only do we earn Rewards to use at Staples, but we also reduce landfill waste. Please drop off your empty cartridges with Parent Lounge volunteers. Thank you! 請捐贈空墨水盒和空碳粉盒給SDCA, 並幫助我們的教師換得免費文具用品!Staples商店有回收計劃,每個空墨盒可以得到2美元的Staples回饋獎勵®。我們一直在使用這個計畫為我們學校省錢,我們希望你也能加入。我們不僅獲得 Staples獎勵金,還可以減少垃圾場的使用。請把空墨盒交給家長休息義工。謝謝!

****** Community Activities 社區活動

Please consider registering as a bone marrow donor. There is a lack of Asian-Americans registered and doing so could save lives. Janet Liang, a graduate student at UCLA needs a bone marrow match or she might not survive past April. . 請考慮登記成為骨髓捐贈者。目前亞裔的骨髓捐贈者十分缺乏,您也許可以挽救一個生命。加大洛杉磯分校的研究生Janet Liang,急切需要骨髓匹配,否則她就很有可能活不過今年四月。

You only need to fill out an application and do a mouth swab to register. There is a local drive less than a mile from SDCA this Sunday (02/12/2012) from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Please bring your driver license or a photo ID. 你只需填寫一份申請表,並做一個口腔擦拭就可以完成登記過程了。這個星期天9:30 AM至12:30 PM在離SDCA不到一英里的地方將有一個骨髓捐贈者登記活動。如果您有時間的話,請帶您的駕駛執照或其他帶照片的身份證明。 詳情請點擊以上鏈接。

Registering online is also simple: 網上報名也很簡單,詳情請點擊以上鏈接。

You might be able to save a life! Please consider and spread the word to other Asian-Americans. Thank you! 您也許能挽救一個生命!請考慮将這個消息傳播給其他亞裔人士。謝謝!


Advertisement - The Publications team is working on the yearbook project. Advertisement spaces are available in the Yearbook for as low as $50. Please consider supporting our school by advertise your business with us. For details please contact Susanna He at 廣告-- 出版組開始著手于年刊的製作。年刊的廣告價格最低只要50美元。請考慮放置您的業務廣告到年刊上來支持我們的學校。詳情請洽主編何娜。

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 18 第十八週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

02/05/2012 Scrip Sales Day 禮券銷售日
02/19/2012 Teachers Spring Training-No school 教師春訓 - 學校放假
03/18/2012 Poetry Recitation Contest 詩詞朗誦比賽

Board Election 理事改選

We have 2 vacancies of the Board of Directors in the upcoming year. We are seeking parents to join the board and help our school. Application and flyer will come home with your students in the coming week. Please consider this a wonderful opportunity to make positive changes and improvements in our kids' education. Flyer and Application can also be downloaded from our website . Please contact any current board members if you have questions. 下 一個新學年度我們將有2位理事空缺. 我們需要大家一同來參與理事會幫助學校. 理事改選的傳單與推薦表將由學生帶回家. 請大家為了我們的孩子能有更好的中文教育, 考慮這個更能主動協助學校的機會. 傳單與推薦表也可以從學校網站下載. 如果有任何問題請跟理事們聯絡

PTA 家長會

1. Our Chinese New Year Festival was a tremendous success! Big “THANK YOU” to all our parent volunteers and Torrey Pine High student volunteers who helped to make this happen. Thanks to all the families that came to support this event. We hope you and your children had a wonderful time! We also had many visitors from the local communities attending our festival. It is our honor to serve the community and to serve you. Thank you for your support. 我 們中國新年遊園會非常的成功!十分感謝所有的家長義工和Torrey Pine高中學生志願者們。更感謝所有來支持本次活動的家庭,我們希望您和您的孩子有一個美好的時光!我們也有許多來自本地社區的遊客參加我們的遊園會, 我們很榮幸能夠有機會為社區和為您服務。感謝您的支持。

2. Our volunteer had put together a website to share the photos from our festival. You can access the photos at 我們的義工設立了一個網站來分享我們的節日照片。您可以點擊以上鏈接訪問這些照片。

3. We are counting tickets and receipts of all game and food booths right now. Please email PTA of your ticket counts and receipts if you haven’t turn them in. We hope to announce our result in two weeks. Thank you! 我們正在清點所有遊戲和食品攤位的票券和收據。如果您還沒有交回所有的票券,請通知 PTA你的票數和收據。我們希望能在兩週內公佈我們的結果。謝謝您。

4. Attention the following silent auction winners: Grace Liu, Maryana Bhak, Ting Guan, and Chi Lee. Please come to the Parent Lounge to pay for and pick up your winner item. Thanks you for your support. 請注意以下拍賣的得主:Grace Liu, Maryana Bhak, Ting Guan, and Chi Lee。請到家長休息室付款和領取您所拍得的物品。感謝您的支持。

5. Poster Contest: Did you notice all the elaborate booth posters on Sunday? Maybe that was the secret ingredient behind our impressive ticket sales! The winner for the poster contest is 1A. Please check out all posters in the above link towards the end of the slide show. All posters will be included in our yearbook. If you don’t see your poster in the slide show, please send a photocopy to Publications . If we have your poster, you may pick it up this Sunday at Parent Lounge. Thanks for all the imaginative minds and hands behind these inspiring creations! 海報比賽:您有沒有注 意上週日那些精心製作的攤位海報?也許這就是我們令人印象深刻的門票銷售成績背後的秘密武器!海報比賽的優勝班級是1A。請到上述網站鏈接,在系列照片的 末尾查看所有海報。所有海報都將放在我們的年刊中。如果您在照片中沒有看到您的海報,請將複印本發送到出版組。如果我們有您的海報,您可以于這個星期天到 家長休息室領取。感謝這些鼓舞人心的創作背後的所有富有想像力的頭腦和雙手!

6. We had posted some paper cutting templates on our website. You can download them and cut them with your kids at home. Have funs! 我們在網頁上貼了一些中國剪紙圖樣,您可以點擊以上鏈接下載圖樣,和您的孩子一起來剪剪看!

7. Important: Please do NOT leave any valuables in your car unattended. Parents had reported that there were strangers peeking inside parked cars. We don’t have security guard at the parking lot. So please be cautious, always lock your car, and take all belongings with you to the classrooms. 請不要將您的貴重物品留在車裏。有家長報告說有陌生人往停靠的車裏窺視。我們在停車場沒有設置安全警衛,所以請務必在去教室之前把車鎖好。


Advertisement - The Publications team is working on the yearbook project. Advertisement spaces are available in the Yearbook for as low as $50. Please consider supporting our school by advertise your business with us. For details please contact Susanna He at 廣告-- 出版組開始著手于年刊的製作。年刊的廣告價格最低只要50美元。請考慮放置您的業務廣告到年刊上來支持我們的學校。詳情請洽主編何娜。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

1. This Sunday (02/05/2012) scrip sales will be in Teachers Office. 本星期日禮券銷售將在老師休息室舉行。

2. If you had turned in your service refund request form, please come to Teachers Office this Sunday to pick up your refund ($60). 如果您已經繳交服務退款申請表,請于這個星期天到教師休息室領取您的退款(60美元)。