Important Dates 重要活動日期:
10/30/2011 Tai Chi class starts 太極班開始
11/6/2011 Picture Day //Medical seminar - 2pm //Holiday Eat and Shop Raffle ticket for sale //Donated raffle items drop-off at Teacher’s Office. 班級照相日// 醫學研討會-下午2點//假日美食活動門票銷售 //抽獎捐贈品由教師休息室義工代收
11/20/2011 Holiday Eat and Shop event美食和購物商店事件
12/11/2011 Yearbook cover design contest deadline年刊封面設計比賽截止
PTA 家長會
1. On November 6, 2011, at 2:00-4:30pm, we will have a medical seminar on Hepatitis B and free blood testing (usually it costs over $100 dollar) at Community Hall. This is sponsored by local health community and o’rdeurs and sandwiches will be served. Please bring your family and friends to this great event. Please click following link for more information. 2011年11月6日下午2:00-4:30,我們將在 Community Hall有一個 B型肝炎研討會和免費抽血檢查(通常抽血檢查要超過 $100美元)。這個活動是由本地衛生組織贊助,會中並提供點心和三明治。請帶您的家人和朋友參加這個活動。詳情請點擊上面的鏈接
2. Week 9 (11/06/2011) is Picture Day. Please click following link for updated schedule. 第9週(2011年11月6日)是照相日。請點擊以上鏈接查詢你的班級照相時間.
3. Holiday Eat and Shop event will take place on 11/20/2011. This is the first school-wide event this year. PTA will start accepting gift donations for the raffle and auction. Our school is a non-profit organization so your donation is tax deductible. It is time to clean your closet and bring in those unused wedding, birthday, and Christmas gifts that you have been storing for years, and put them in good use! Please help us pass the news. You can drop off the gifts with Parent Lounge Duty Volunteer. Thank you for your help! 假日美食購物活動將於2011年11月20日舉行,這是今年第一次全校性的活動。PTA現在開始接受抽獎和拍賣活動物品的捐贈。我們的學校是一個非營利組織,您的捐贈可以抵稅。現在是清理你的儲藏室,把那些未使用的婚禮/生日/聖誕節的禮物, 捐出來做更好的用途!請把這個消息大家告訴大家。您可以把禮物交給家長休息室值勤義工。感謝您的幫助!
4. Please consider donating to our school by the end of year. SDCA is a non-profit organization, and all donations to SDCA are tax deductible. Many companies also have one-to-one matching program or community charity. Please consult your HR department about how to help SDCA’s fund raising efforts. Thank you for your help! 請考慮在年底前捐款給 SDCA。SDCA是一個非營利組織,所有捐款均可抵稅。許多公司也有一對一配套的捐款方案或社區慈善計畫,請諮詢您的人力資源管理部門如何幫助 SDCA的募款活動。感謝您的幫助。
5. If you grocery shop at Ralphs or Vons, you could earn money for our school by simply registering your grocery card numbers online.
RALPHS: Go to , click on “Community Contribution,” then under Participant”, click on “Sign Up”. Our Ralphs ID is 83384.
VONS: Go to , click on “Sign Up” and follow the steps. Our eScrip ID is 140619186
如果您常在Ralphs 或Vons購物,你可以輕易的為我們的學校募款,只要簡單地在網路上註冊你的購物卡就可以.
RALPHS:到 ,點擊 ”社區服務”,再點擊 “參加者”,然後點擊 “註冊”。我們的Ralphs ID是83384。
VONS:到,點擊 “註冊” ,並按照步驟。我們的eScrip ID是140619186
1. Student Directory -- Will be published in November. Each SDCA family and teaching/admin. staffs will receive a copy. Advertising spaces are available in the Student Directory as follows: whole page, B&W, 8.5”x5.5”, for $50. Seize this opportunity to advertise for your business and support a good cause! Interested parties please contact Susanna at 學生通訊錄將在11月出版。中華學苑的每個家庭和每位教務人員都將收到一份目錄。通訊錄裏的廣告價格是一整頁的黑白廣告(8.5”X5.5”),價格$50。請抓緊機會刊登您的廣告,並支持善舉!有興趣的朋友請聯繫出版總編何娜。
2. Yearbook Cover Art Contest -- All SDCA students are encouraged to participate. One art work will be selected for the Yearbook cover. All other submitted entries will be used throughout the Yearbook. Deadline for submitting entries is December 11. Please submit art work entries to Parent Lounge Duty volunteer. See Contest Guidelines at SDCA website for more details. 年刊封面繪畫徵集活動開始 -- 家長們, 請鼓勵貴子女踴躍參加本校一年一度的年刊封面繪畫徵集活動。一件優勝作品會被選作年刊封面, 其它參賽作品都會被刊登於年刊中。參賽作品請于12月11日以前交給家長休息室執勤義工。詳情請點擊上面的鏈接.
Activities 活動組
Tai Chi class has been rescheduled to start on October 30, 2011 from 4:30 to 5:30pm. This class will be taught by Master Henry Cheng. Master Henry has been teaching and conducting seminars in the San Diego community since 1980. Please register with the front office prior to class (click for registration form). We need a minimum of 8 participants to start the class. Registration fee is $150 for 10 classes. Each additional family member receives 15% discount. If you have any questions, please contact Isabelle Yang at 太極課改在2011年10月30日下午4:30到5:30。太極大師鄭耀輝將傳授這門課。鄭耀輝大師自1980年起就在聖地亞哥地區教導傳授太極。請于上課前到辦公室註冊(點擊以上的鏈接下載報名表)。我們需要至少8人才能開課。費用為10堂課150美元。多一名家屬則有15%的折扣。如果您有任何疑問,請和曾梁菁聯繫。