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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 4 第四週

Administration Office教務組

1. Are you interested in learning Chinese Language in Taiwan next year? “Year 2012 Language Study Program for Expatriate Youth” is for you. Taiwan’s Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission offers language camps to overseas youth between the ages of 14 to 24 to study Chinese in Taiwan every year. Please visit for details. If you have any question, please contact Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural office in Santa Ana at Tel#714-754-9999, or email

想到台灣學中文嗎? 中華民國僑委會歡迎年滿14歲至24歲之華裔青年報名參加 “2012年海外華裔青年語文研習班。報名請向橙縣華僑文教服務中心洽辦,橙僑中心電話 714-754-9999。報名資料請至僑務委員會網站(華裔青年活動專區)下載。

2. San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association has started the scholarship application process for Year 2011. The deadline is 10/15/2011. Please click following link for more information.


PTA 家長會

1. Our volunteer job lists have been revised. Please stop by Teacher’s Office to check your new job assignment. Or you can download the lists from our website If you want to volunteer but can’t find your name on the lists, please email PTA director at We will contact you and schedule an available job for you.

今年的義工執勤表有重新修改過, 請到教師休息室來查看您新的工作分配。您也可以從我們網站下載。如果你想服務,但沒有無法在名單上找到你的名字,請通知家長會理事, 我們會和你聯繫並為安排一個合適的工作項目.

2. Room Parents Meeting will be on 10/09/11 (Week 5) at 2pm in Multi-Purpose Room (Community Hall). PTA will list Year2011 school-wide activities and events. Please make sure at least one representative of your class attends the meeting.

班爸/班媽會議將于109日(第五周)下午2點在多功能教室(Community Hall)舉行。家長會將會公佈2011年度學校活動安排和重要事項。請各班至少派一名代表參加。

3. Hello, parents! SDCA is a non-profit organization and all our fund raising efforts are for a better education environment of our children. Your support is very important to us. Please consider donating to our school. Cash donation is welcomed and your donation is tax deductible. We can provide you receipts as requested. If your employer has a donation matching program, please consider it to help our school. Thank you.

好,家長們! SDCA是一個非營利組織,我們所有的募款努力,都是了提供我們的孩子更好的教育環境。您的支持是對我們非常重要。請考慮捐款給我們的學校。我們歡迎現金 捐款, 而且您的捐款是可以抵稅的。我們可以提供收據給你。如果您的雇主有捐贈配套方案,請考慮用它來幫助我們的學校。謝謝.

4. If you grocery shop at Ralphs or Vons, you could be earning money for our school by simply registering your grocery card numbers online.

Here’s how to register online for each store:

· RALPHS: Go to , click on “Community Contribution,” then under Participant, click on “Sign Up”. Our Ralphs ID is 83384.

· VONS: Go to , click on “Sign Up” and follow the steps. Our eScrip ID is 140619186

The sooner you get your grocery cards registered, the more donation our school can use for the programs that benefit our kids.

如果您常在Ralphs Vons購物的話,您只要上網登記您的購物卡號碼就可以為我們學校募款。


· RALPHS: 點擊 “ Community Contribution”, 然後在 ”Participant” 下點擊 ”Sign Up“, 我們在RalphsID83384

· VONS: , 點擊”Sign Up“,然後按照步驟做。我們的eScrip ID號碼是140619186.


Activities 活動組

1. We are still accepting enrollment for Chinese Adult Class. This class runs from 2pm to 4pm at room US101(Level 1) and US102(Level 2). With 2 levels, we are able to offer individualized small classes. Your may try out the class and register at the END of the session. We are offering two levels of classes this year for both beginning and experienced learners. If you have any questions please contact Isabelle Yang at 858-353-1228. Or you can download a flyer from our website 們仍然接受成人中文課的報名。這門課下午2點到4點在教室US101(一級)和US102(二級)上課。分成兩級,這樣我們就能夠提供小型個人化課程。您 可以先旁聽,課上完以後才報名。今年我們給初學者和晉級者提供兩個級別的課程。如果您有疑問,請聯繫Isabelle Yang,電話號碼是858-353-1228,您也可以從網上下載課程簡介。


1. Our annual Yearbook Cover Art Contest is back. All SDCA students are encouraged to participate. One art work will be selected for the Yearbook cover. All other submitted entries will be used throughout the Yearbook. Deadline for submitting entries is December 11. See Contest Guidelines posted on SDCA website for more details. For questions contact Susanna at ·


2. Parents, do you or your families and friends have businesses that you/they like to advertise? Advertisement spaces are available on all our publications. Your ads instantly reach hundreds of SDCA families and friends! What better way to support our school and expand your business? Place your ad by calling Publications Chief Editor Susanna He @858-232-4655 or 家 長們, 您自己或您的朋友及家人有生意需要做廣告嗎?我們所有的出版刊物上均可刊登廣告,您的廣告將被送到上百戶中華學苑的家庭和朋友手裡。這是一個絕佳的擴展客 戶群的機會,同時您又支持了中華學苑辦學。請打電話給出版總編何娜Susanna He 電話858-232-4655,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to school

***** Please help us forward following messages to your Year 2010 Class. Thank you! *****

San Diego Chinese Academy starts on September 11, 2011

Welcome back to school! Hope you all have a wonderful summer. 歡迎回到學校!希望大家都有一個快樂暑假

For students who had registered, please come to school before 1:30pm to check out your classroom. If you have not registered, please do as soon as possible so we can put your child in the appropriate class. Registration forms can be downloaded from our website at

對於已登記學生,請下午1:30之前抵達學校來查你的教室。如果你還沒有註冊,請盡快我們聯絡, 好讓我們快點安排你的孩子在適當的班級。註冊可以我們的網 .

Followings are some important announcements: 以下是一些重要的注意事項:

PTA 家長會

On 9/11/2011, Registration/Scrip Sales/PTA booth will be all held in Teacher’s Meeting Room. All up-to-date volunteer job lists will be posted there. Please stop by to check your job assignment of Year 2011-2012.

2011911日那天,註冊組/禮券組/家長會都將在教師會議室辦公, 最新的義工執勤表會張貼在那裡, 屆時請已經註冊的家長前來查看您2011-2012年工作分配。

Beginning September 1st, Jamba Juice Swipe Card holders can swipe, sip, save, and support our back-to-school fundraising. For your every visit, Jamba Juice will take $1 off your purchase, and give 10% of proceeds to SDCA. Please pick up your Swipe Card from PTA booth. Thank you for your support. This offer expires October 31st.

91日開始,Jamba Juice消費卡持有者可以消費, 品嘗, 省錢並同時支持我們學校的募捐活動。你的每次消費,Jamba Juice將為您節省1美元,同時將銷售金額的10% 捐給中華學苑。請到家長會領取消費卡,謝謝你對中華學苑的支持!這項活動將於1031日截止。

Please join us for a FUN-RAISER night (from 5pm to 8pm) at Del Mar Souplantation on Thursday, September 29. Just purchase a meal and a beverage, Souplantation will donate 20% of sales to SDCA. This is a great way to enjoy a good meal and help our school. Detailed flyer is available at

請加入我們一個有趣的募款夜(929日星期四下午五時至晚上八時)在Del Mar Souplantation。只要購買一餐和一杯飲料,Souplantation將捐出20%的銷售金額給 SDCA。這是一個能一面享受美食, 又能幫助我們學校募款的好事。詳細的內容請到

Administration Office教務組:

Any student who is interested in serving as TA this year, please download the TA application form from our website, or contact Vice-principal Connie Hwang at for more information. The due date is 9/11/2011.

有意願今年成為助教的學生,請到中華學苑的網站下載助教申請表, 或者聯繫副校長黃思嘉 9 11 日截止.

Important meetings for parents: 家長應該參加的重要會議

1) 1st Week (9/11/2011): Credit Class Parents’ Meeting, 15:40-16:30 at Parent’s Lounge (Room# MS104)

第一週: 學分班家長會議15:40-16:30於家長休息室舉行Room# MS 104

2) 2nd Week (9/18/2011): Conference with Principal, 14:30-15:20 at SDCA Office

第二週:校長/家長座談會(14:30-15:20) SDCA辦公室舉行


Hello parents! Hope you enjoyed reading our current issue of the August Newsletter. Do you or your families and friends have businesses that you/they like to advertise? Advertisement spaces are available on all our publications. For as low as $50, you can place a half-page, black and white, 8.5” x 5.5” AD in one of our publications. Your ads instantly reach hundreds of SDCA families and friends! What better way to support a good cause and expand your business? Place your ad today by calling Publications Chief Editor Susanna He @858-232-4655 or

家長們, 希望你們喜歡這一期的校訊。您自己或您的朋友及家人有生意需要做廣告嗎?我們所有的出版刊物上均可刊登廣告,只需花費50美元,您就可以得到8.5英寸x5.5英寸大小的半頁黑白廣告版面。您的廣告將被送到上百戶中華學苑的家長和朋友手裡。這是一個絕好的擴展客戶群的機會,同時您又支持了中華學苑的辦學。今天就行動!請打電話給出版總編何娜Susanna He 電話858-232-4655, e-mail

We are also looking for parent volunteers and student editors to join our Yearbook Club. If you like scrap-booking and editing photos, this is the place for you. The Parent Editor position is eligible for a service fee refund. Student editors will earn community service hours for their work. If interested please contact Susanna He.

我們同時還徵求家長義工和學生編輯加入到我們的年刊俱樂部,如果您喜歡剪貼和編輯照片,這里就是您施展身手的地方了。家長義工 可以享受服務費的退費。學生編輯可以獲得社區服務工作時數。有興趣的可以聯繫Susanna He