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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 30 第三十週

1. Retiring Principal and Board Members
Our principal Karen Wu will be finishing her term this year. We appreciate what she has done for our students this year. Don't forget to give her a big hug when you see her. This year we will have four board members retiring for their volunteering positions. They are Michelle Mitchell (President), Snow Wang (Vice President), Lesley Lynn (Secretary), and Isabelle Tseng (Activity Director). We want to thank them for their hard work and going the extra mile to improve our school. To all the parents and friends, thank you all for all your support!
1. 卸任校長與理事
鄭美妙校長繼將要完成校長的任期. 我們衷心的感謝她為我們學生所做的一切. 別忘了給她一個擁抱感謝她的付出. 今年我們有四位理事也將要卸下她們的義工職責. 她們是理事長陳玫秀, 副理事長王如雪, 活動理事曾梁菁, 和秘書林立婧. 我們也要感謝她們為學校辦得更好的努力. 更要感謝所有的家長與友人們的支持.

2. Graduation/Closing ceremony and Teachers' Appreciation Dinner
Last day of school is this Sunday. We will have our graduation/closing ceremony followed by the Teachers' Appreciation Dinner. Please come join us. Tickets for Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner is still available. Please come to the VIP check-in Table by the amphitheater to purchase before graduation ceremony at 2:30 pm. The banquet is at 5:30 pm at China Max Restaurant on Sunday, May 22nd, 2011. Adult ticket is $25, child ticket is $18. If you have karaoke disks, please bring them to the banquet, we might be able to use them. Thank you.
2. 畢業/結業典禮與謝師宴
這個禮拜天是這學期的最後一天. 我們將舉行畢業/結業典禮與謝師宴. 請大家共襄盛舉. 謝師宴的餐卷請在典禮 2:30 開始前到貴賓登記處購買. 謝師宴是 5/22 在富臨海鮮酒樓于下午 5:30 開始. 大人餐卷是每人$25, 小孩是$18. 如果您有卡拉OK的DVD, 請帶來我們一起同樂. 謝謝您.

3. Gifts for Raffle at Teacher's Appreciation Dinner
Please bring all gift donations to school this week. Remember we are asking for the donation of one gift item/basket per class for our teacher’s gift raffle at the year-end Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner. The suggested item value is around $25.00. Please bring the item to PTA director Bing Han. We also need raffle items for parents and students. Please help us to have a great celebration full of good food, prizes, and fun. We will try to have karaoke again this year.
3. 謝師宴摸彩獎品
請大家這星期天將準備好的摸彩獎品帶到學校. 我們請每一個班級準備一份禮物給老師. 我們好在謝師宴時送給老師表達我們的感謝. 每份禮物建議是價值 $25. 禮物請交給家長會長韓冰. 同時我們也需要給家長與學生摸彩的獎品. 請大家多多幫忙. 一起來謝師宴聚餐, 抽獎, 同樂. 還有卡拉OK.

4. STARTALK Summer Camp
The Southern California Council of Chinese Schools (SCCCS) has a wonderful Chinese Literacy Summer camp (STARTALK) this Summer. For more information please visit their website at and

SCCCS STARTALK is a federal grant program with a combination of teacher training program and student program. Teachers will receive intensive training before the student program begins. The student program is a Chinese Literacy Summer Camp for 6th - 8th grade Chinese heritage language learners. There are two sessions of the Chinese Literacy Summer Camp. Each session is one week long. In the Chinese Literacy Camp, students will be resident in the campus of Chapman University in Orange, California for a week. Students will have access to Chinese reading materials such as graphic novels, comic books, children literature, magazines through free voluntary reading. Students will collaborate with peers to publish their own writing in Chinese. Further, students will experience Chinese culture through hands on activities.

4. 星談夏令營
南加州中文學校聯合會今年夏天將舉辦星談計畫. 詳情請參閱他們的網站

南加州中文學校聯合會星談計劃是一個綜合教師培訓和學生學習的聯邦補助計劃。在學生學習計畫開始之前,教師們將接受密集的訓練課程。學生學習計劃是一個以6-8年級中學生為主的學習華語及中華文化夏令營計劃。2011年星談計畫的學生語言文化夏令營分成兩個梯次,每個梯次為期一週,期間學生必須住在橙縣的查普曼大學 (Chapman University) 校園內接受以「讀」和「寫」為主的學習訓練。住營期間,學生將有機會接觸到各種中文刊物,例如圖畫小說、漫畫、兒童文學、雜誌等等,透過大量的自由閱讀,學生將學習用口語和書寫方式發表閱讀感想及創作。此外,學生也將藉由各項學習活動體驗中華文化。

5. Great Learning Resources
There are a couple of great Chinese learning resources online for the students to work with. They are fun and interactive.
1) Speak Mandarin In One Thousand Words:,
2) Chinese Learning Biweekly:
Try them out and keep the students learning Chinese this summer. These links will also be posted under the resources page of our website.

5. 中文學習網站
有許多中文學習網站可以幫助學生在暑假期間加強中文練習. 課程安排得很生動有趣.
暑假讓孩子們試試看. 這些網站的連結也列在學校網站 resources 的網頁裡.

這是本學期最後的公告. 有關學校下學期重要的訊息將在八月份寄給大家. 祝福大家都有個愉快與平安的暑假. 我們九月份見.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 29 第二十九週

1. No School This Sunday 5/8
We don't have school next Sunday (5/8/11) due to Mother's Day. We wish all mothers have a wonderful mother's day. School will resume on 5/15/11.
1. 5/8 母親節不上課
敬祝所有的媽媽母親節快樂. 5/15 恢復上課.

2. Gifts for Raffle at Teacher's Appreciation Dinner
Please bring all gift donations to school on 5/15/11. Remember we are asking for the donation of one gift item/basket per class for our teacher’s gift raffle at the year-end Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner. The suggested item value is around $25.00. Please bring the item to PTA director Bing Han or to the parent lounge. We also need raffle items for parents and students. Please help us to have a great celebration full of good food, prizes, and fun. We will try to have karaoke again this year.
2. 謝師宴摸彩獎品
請大家在 5/15 將準備好的摸彩獎品帶到學校. 我們請每一個班級準備一份禮物給老師. 我們好在謝師宴時送給老師表達我們的感謝. 每份禮物建議是價值 $25. 禮物請交給家長會長韓冰或是家長休息室值勤的家長. 同時我們也需要給家長與學生摸彩的獎品. 請大家多多幫忙. 一起來謝師宴聚餐, 抽獎, 同樂. 還有卡拉OK.

3. Dinner ticket pre-sale
Tickets for Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner is on sale now. Tickets can be purchased from room parents or at the parents lounge. You may pick up the tickets at the parent lounge on 5/1/11. The banquet is at 5:30 pm at China Max Restaurant on Sunday, May 22nd, 2011. Adult ticket is $25, child ticket is $18.
3. 謝師宴餐卷
謝師宴餐卷開始預售. 請向您班上的班爸/班媽或是到家長休息室購買. 餐卷可以在 5/1 到家長休息室領取. 謝師宴預定將于 5/22 5:30 在富臨酒家舉行. 大人每位是 $25. 小孩是 $18.

4. SDCA T-shirt sale
We have some beautiful white T-shirts with school logo for sale. They are $10 each at the parent lounge.
4. 中華學苑運動杉
我們準備了印有學校名稱的精美運動杉. 每件$10. 請到家長休息室購買.

5. Pre-registration has started
Pre-registration for next school year has started. The registration packet should have been sent home with your child already. A copy of the registration materil can also be downloaded from the home page of our website at Registration Fee of $35 per student will be waived for current student pre-registered on or before 05/15/11, so register soon to take advantage of this saving.
5. 預註冊開始
下一學年度的預註冊已經開始. 註冊表已經交給您的孩子帶回家. 或是您可以從我們的網站上下載.
在5/15之前註冊的本校學生, 每位學生可以省下$35的報名費. 趕快到家長休息室註冊.

6. Service Refund Reminder
This is a reminder to come get refund gift cards at the parent lounge when you finish you service duty for the year. There is a form to be filled out and signed by the PTA director Bing Han.
6. 服務退費
提醒大家完成義工服務後到家長休息室申請退費. 填寫退費申請表再請家長會長韓冰簽名.

7. Disaster Preparedness Information
The American RedCross has compiled a list of very useful safety information on their website including Disaster Preparedness Information in many languages (including Chinese). Here is a link for your convenience:
7. 災難準備須知
美國紅十字會準備了一份很有用的安全必備須知在他們的網站上(附中文). 請按此連結: